The truth is, I’ve never been wildly into New Years Resolutions–at least in the traditional sense. Since my birthday falls less than a week after the start of the new annual, I have always made goals for myself for the year and they usually feel more like goals for that age of my life. I don’t know if there’s really a distinction, maybe for people who aren’t born this time of year, but for me, there isn’t. On the eve of my 29th year, I made some goals for myself. They were good, happy goals, and that year, it was great. It crescendo-ed when I gave birth to Ava. Last year, I didn’t really make a single goal for myself. Not in that formal, “this is how I’m going to change kind of way,” I just sort of let it be. I had a new baby, and I was tired. Also, I was turning 30 and I didn’t want to think too hard about that. You know what, I don’t like the way my 30th year turned out. Besides a lot of really sad things, that I’m not going to get into right now, I just don’t think I lived intentionally, and I’m the kind of person who thrives by living intentionally.
This year, I turn 31. In 5 days to be exact. And I think this time, I’m going to lay down a few resolutions for myself, because when I make goals, things happen. It’s like magic.
Here’s some of the magic I want to make happen this year:
1. Get healthy. Eat well, exercise consistently, sleep enough.
2. Find balance. I don’t think the popular, balance is bull**** slogan is a healthy one. I’m calling it. I think there can be balance, but only when you’re willing to say no to some things.
3. Say NO. To things that don’t matter to me, things that make me unhappy, things that distract me from what’s really important.
4. Sharpen the Saw. Take time to recoup. Read books, spend quality time with the people I love, take long deep breaths, meditate.
5. Be a better mother. This one is always on my list. I’m hoping by the time my kids are grown it won’t need to be, but I’m guessing that’s a vain hope. Until then, I’m working towards being more patient, engaged, intentional, and loving.
6. Have fun. I tend to lean towards gravity a little more than I should, but the truth is, life is meant to be enjoyed not just endured and I kind of forgot that this year.
7. Maintain a clean and orderly home. That’s not one I usually have to list, but this year, we’ve been a little sloppy and I never finished organizing after our move… so there you go.
8. Travel. There’s a big beautiful world out there and I’d like to see more of it.
So what about you?
And now comes the good part!
To help enable your success in your New Year Resolutions, whatever they may be, I’ve teamed up with a bunch of fabulous bloggers and to give away $500 to a store of your choice (or Amazon)! There are so many amazing New Year sales going on right now, and is a perfect place to start because you’re able to find all the great deals in one place!
To win, complete the entries through the Rafflecopter below — each entry you complete will give you more chances to win the gift card!
This giveaway will be open until January 7th at midnight and is open to US residents only.
Good luck!!
GBO fashion / walking in memphis in high heels / simply lulu style / kacie’s kloset / twist me pretty / bird a’la mode
livy love / along abbey road / dress corilynn / little miss fearless / elle apparel / putting me together

Great giveaway! Thanks :)
Have a great new year and a Happy Birthday!
Thanks for a wonderful give-away! I hope you have an excellent 2014…
Happy New Year!
This post made me tear up a little because so many of these things I struggle with too, it’s nice to know I am not alone. Here’s to 2014!
And thanks for the giveaway!
I think all of us strive for some sort of balance, so onward to a balanced 2014!
2014 is looking good!
Life moves by too fast. That’s all I can say…
Great resolutions! Happy New Year!
I made my resolutions in October because October is my renewing re-start month :) So far, I’ve stuck to my goals for 10 weeks (but eased up during the holiday break). It’s refreshing to finally have picked goals that were reasonable enough to tackle and realistic enough to stick to! It has made all the difference. Happy birthday to you!
Crossing my fingers!