Boyfriend jeans: ZARA. (these are great too.) Top: JCrew Factory (on sale!) Shoes: Nine West. (similar.) Bag: Anne Klein (similar.) Watch: Michael Kors.
So, once upon a time, the Saturday before Mother’s day. I went to the salon. It had been approximately 9 months since my last trim, and my hair was basically screaming for some TLC. I often put off trips to the salon, because in all honesty I’ve had a lot of traumatic haircuts. Saturday’s turned out to be one of them. Here’s how it went down. I went in to the salon for a trim, a shine treatment and long side-swept bangs. We’re talking low cheek, chin type grazing barely bangs. When I was done, my hair was black, and I had bangs chopped to my eyebrows. I don’t even know how that happened. I hyperventilated my way out of the salon after telling the girl that the color was really dark and her reassuring me that it would in fact, fade. Well, I bought the cheapest color stripping type shampoo I could find, washed my hair at least 15 times, and it turns out that my hair did not in fact, fade. It basically looked like a wig. A strange ode to Joan Jett type wig. The thing is, I hate confrontation. Especially awkward, “you broke my hair and you need to fix it,” confrontation. I get all clammy and nervous and I’m like, “I’ll just deal with it, or go to someone else…” but this one was really bad, so I actually acted like a real grown up, called the salon first thing Monday morning and told them my hair needed to be fixed. (side note: I can thank my business for teaching me how to handle confrontations like this.) Anyways, two stripping treatments, highlights and a toner, plus a “do what we can to clean it up” haircut later, this is my hair. And it’s much much better than it was the other day, but I’m not going to lie, it doesn’t feel like me. While my hair is now brown instead of black, it’s still quite a bit darker, and the bangs, they are definitely going to take some getting used to.
The weird thing for me, is realizing how much it effected me– this whole bad haircut, that can’t be undone thing. And I realized that my hair has become a physical crutch for me. I used to despise my hair, and honestly I don’t blame myself, it was big and frizzy and embarrassing, right in that awkward, round faced, braces time of high school, and I had no idea how to manage my thick head of hair. But then I grew up. I bought myself an expensive straightener, I discovered Moroccan oil. (game changer.) And suddenly, this hair that had always been my bane started looking really nice, and it was thick and long and really fun. It was one of those places where I felt good and confident. Walking out of the salon that day; all the things I really loved about my hair ruined, I realized just how much I had placed my physical confidence in my hair. How much it had become part of my identity. Maybe that’s true for all women, or maybe, because I almost never do anything drastic with my mane, it’s just me. But I’m kind of betting that we all have a physical crutch we kind of lean on, and I was thinking about just how unnerving it can be when that crutch goes away. Anyways, I don’t really know where I’m going with this, except to ask you all what it is that you lean on physically?
Also, I realize my posting has been dismal as of late. I am up to my eyeballs in kickstarter production (wahoo!) and we’ve been busy with soccer and wrapping up the kid’s school year. Life is good.
ps. we’re going to be releasing pre-orders for our kickstarter designs later today, so stay tuned, because the numbers are limited.

I actually kind of love this look on you. Your hair looks very rich and textured and the bangs give you a sophisticated edge. At the end of the day, it’s just hair – it’s not permanent. if you hate it, it will grow out, or you can change the color!
I think it looks beautiful and very chic. Really suits you
I feel your pain. I’ve been growing my hair out for two years and haven’t cut it in about 2.5 years. I had a pixie cut and now my thick curly hair is past my shoulders. I’m soooo afraid to go get my ends trimmed for fear of the stylist chopping of too much. I think your hair looks great though. Do you use all of the Moroccan oil products or just the oil?
Bad haircuts are no fun! But it seriously looks amazing in the photos! Your hair is gorgeous!
Hey Cori-
I want to tell you that we are always are own worst critics and that you look beautiful. But I get it. Being uncomfortable in your own skin is one of the worst feelings. As for that hair of yours… I would get a bigger curling iron (thinking 1.25) and curl your hair. And when you do, go higher to the root. The curls will take away the blunt look of your bangs. I will try to find a picture and send it to you on IG.
I hope you feel more like yourself soon and yes, I do think you look beautiful. <3
Just for the record, you still look amazing. I have some pretty serious hair envy every time I visit your blog, so ya. My eyes and eyelashes are my physical crutch. I pretty much go out of my way to not be seen outside of the house without mascara on. People are used to seeing me a certain way and thinking I look a certain way so it’s pretty disconcerting when they see my lashes in the nude :] –Kari
That is A LOT of time in the salon, which is no fun, but girlfrienddd— WORTH IT. I know it is not what you were going for, but it looks PERFECT on you!
Deb is right. We really are our own biggest critics, your hair is a beautiful shade of brown. Looks great!
I totally understand about hair. It took me along time to find a stylist that can manage my hair. She knows my hair inside and out, how it has a crazy curl on one side. It’s so important to find the right stylist. Our hair is our identity and it’s hard when it doesn’t come out how we had planned. I like the new look and your bangs will grow out in no time.
such cute bangs and i am obsessed with that top!
ladies in navy
You went from beautiful hair to SUPER MODEL hair! I understand the drastic change and it being a traumatic experience. I’ve so been there and done that! Before I read that you didn’t like it I was thinking to myself how much I LOVE the highlights and how your hair went from beautiful to SUPER MODEL/Grown up business woman GORGEOUS!! I LOVE your blog and have been addicted to checking for new posts daily for several years. I’ve always been to timid to leave a comment. Today I stepped out of my comfort zone to tell you how GREAT you look after stepping out of yours<3 Hugs and Love from Indiana:)
I think your hair looks fantastic in the pictures!! I absolutely love the bangs!!!
Bad haircuts are horrible… but your hair looks amazing. You look GREAT!!
My bangs are my crutch (: I have grown them out, don’t feel myself and always go back to them. If I walked past you on the street I would definitely have to stop you and ask where you get your hair cut because it looks amazing! I’m sure you are not going to believe all of us on here telling you you look fantastic. But you really do! So hold your head up high girl! And even though we all know it’s just hair, change is traumatic no matter what anyone says. Totally get where you are coming from.
I think you look beautiful. You are hiding behind your glasses, but I’m judging by what I can see. :)
It is so hard when something like that happens and you have to call someone out. A lot of times they try to discredit you, make you look like you are imagining things, don’t know what you are talking about, etc…It is terrible. Good for you for speaking up immediately and then calling back on Monday. I’m sure you’ve taught Hannah to do the same…very important stuff.
I don’t know why stylists sometimes take risks and do the opposite of what we say. Happens too much. If their job is too boring and monotonous, they should take up a hobby after work and not do that type of thing…Just saying.
You look BEYOND BEAUTIFUL! I feel your pain, I have had my share of bad hair cuts. But usually they turn into something really cool and fun after you get over the shock of it all. Yours seems to have done just that. It looks healthy and shiny and fun! I am so sorry you had to go through that though, it is extremely traumatizing! But, now there are endless possibilities of cool hair styles to do with bangs that you can try our and rock!
My Hair crutch is my cute short bob. I love it and I have gotten quite good at all the little styles I can pull off with it. Every time I try to grow it out though, I don’t look like myself and people actually tell me I don’t look like me. :/
Thank you for being such an amazing person and being so open and honest about everything! When I get updates from your blog it makes my day!
I honestly don’t think you could ever look bad. But I have been there with the whole hair situation. In fact it happens to me all the time. I had a questions for you. I am about to buy those pants from Zara but I am not sure what size to buy. I am 4’11. Do you mind if I ask what size you got I am pretty close to your size and don’t want to get the wrong size.
Well your hair will grow out, your gorgeous no matter what! I’ve had all sorts of different types of hair over the years. It always grows back out :). I’m postpartum 6months and I’m shedding like crazy! I keep telling myself not to cut my hair this time the hair will stop coming out in chunks soon lol (3rd baby). Your Talented And amazing don’t hide behind your hair.
Hi! I’ve been a long time reader of your blog now and I can’t help but comment. I’m from Logan and have a great hairdresser that I absolutely love! She works at Hair We Are on Main Street and her name is Traci Hall. She is wonderful, especially with dark hair like yours. My moms hair went black, over time, with another hairdresser and Traci got hers back to the perfect color of brown. She’s wonderful! And not super expensive. Also you have to eat the tiny spicy chicken at Mandarin Garden. Sorry, I had to add that one in because its my favorite thing in Logan. I live in Idaho now and miss both Traci and tiny spicy chicken!
I can completely relate to this post! I normally have a haircut/trim once, maybe twice a year. I have very long, curly hair as well (which I normally straighten when I have enough time). I have to say though, when I first saw your cut I thought to myself, “I want that!” It looks very sophisticated, yet simple. While it’s easy for me to say, “embrace it because you look beautiful,” you really should because you really do look beautiful! And if you still hate it in a week, eat lots of spinach (I’m convinced that makes my hair grow faster).
I think EVERY woman out there can connect with this post. We have all had haircuts/color jobs gone astray and it’s so frustrating . As much as many of us like to say ah it’s just hair – it grows to be part of our identity. Some of us like change and can cope with it better than others. Just let it grow out and while I think the haircut is super cute on you let the hair color grow out. You’re still gorgeous.
This exact thing happened to me a few months ago. My bangs were cut super short and I had to pull hair from farther back to the front and cut it to cover it up. It has been a royal pain, but using Not Your Mothers Shampoo and Conditioner and using rosemary essential oil on my scalp a couple times a week, it’s growing really fast and I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your hair looks nice, but it’s not what you wanted, and it’s a tough thing to get over.
First, as soon as I opened this I said to myself “her color looks amazing!” I’m not usually a bang person but you have such a cute petite face and pull them off nicely. They’ll grow out before you know it, until then rock them!
You’re still so beautiful! I have had a BAD hair cut once, I think we all have at one time or another.
You look great! I would never have known from your pictures all that you went through.
I’ve had a couple of really bad hair cuts, too, so I can relate! One of mine was wanting some shorter layers to add volume to my hair, and I ended up with bangs. I have a cowlick in the front, and bangs don’t work for me. I had my sister’s neighbor, who has a home salon, fix me up. I went from wanting layers to a chin length cut. But she was able to make it look nice.
And I can understand about hair being a physical crutch. I feel better about myself and more confident when I have decent looking hair. I think it’s partly because we know we are so judged by appearances. Having hair, makeup, and a nice outfit is like a form of armor. :)
I think the bangs look great and the color is rich and beautiful.
Side note – it’s affected me, not effected. Also, anyways is not a word and it makes you sound 17. It’s anyway. Or go totally highbrow and try nonetheless!
thanks for pointing that out, Aileen. I should probably proofread my blog posts before I publish- especially when I write them late at night, haha… And I know “anyways” isn’t really a word, but I find it conversational and I like that tone in a blog post.
(eyes rolling) Grammer policing blogs is so rude. If it really bothers you, just go read a grammer blog or something.
Estás preciosa!!! Bonito look!
Your hair looks so good! I just pinned it to show my hair stylist…I need this exact cut and color!
I actually like your hair, and I love your top!
I think you’re hair looks great! My husband always tells me that, “life is about change”. This last year I found out I had skin cancer on my forehead. So I had a small surgery to get it removed only to find out that it was bigger than anticipated! The second surgery left a large knot size bump right above my eyebrow. At first I was really embarrassed and would make sure my bangs were always covering the spot. But then I started playing soccer with some friends and some girls that I didn’t really know. And well, it’s just to hot to leave my bangs down, so I pinned them back. And surprisingly, I felt free, not having to worry about the bump staying covered. Now I don’t really care, it’s part of what has happened. I tell myself, it is what it is. I don’t want the fear of that bump to define me! Just know that you are beautiful and as long as your family is behind you, you can continue to do great things:)
this comment literally just blew me away. I love what you wrote. So true! Good for you! xo, Cori
Ok….I think your hair looks AMAZING! Color, cut, bangs ALL OF IT! You look stunning!
I was surprised to pull up your blog and see a woman looking slightly different than the Cori I’m accustomed to, always adorable. But you are a fashion designer on the cusp of trends and all things hot. And I think your “do” suits you and is edgy and cool. Have fun! A new cut lets you be a new you.
Yep. I’m the same way. My hair is my identity. I love telling people I never color it and I love when my students would ask to touch it (they were high school girls, it was a little weird) But last summer I decided that I needed a pixie cut. My hairdresser told me no. NO. I needed a bob first. And then if I liked it she would give me a pixie. Anyway, a bob has the ability to make me look 6 years-old and 40 at the same time. I’m still trying to recover from that.
i absolutely love the hair. for reals. the slightly darker color is rich and yummy and i totally get having to get used to having bangs (one reason i haven’t had bangs in years now..), but really they look great on you! perfect length – not too short. gotta spice things up now and then, even if it is unintentionally ;)
I’ve always leaned on my hair as a crutch. I love my hair. I’m lucky enough to have good hair and a good stylist. I drive over an hour to get to her. I’ve been growing my hair out for the last two years, after a bad cut before I found her. But now I’m finally ready to chop it all off again (think Emma Stone), and even though she’s amazing I’m still nervous. So I understand what you mean. But I would have thrown a fit right then and asked to see the manager. To protect against that happening I always bring a picture with me so I can prove it’s not what I asked for. I actually once had a girl try to say that I had asked for the bad cut.
I love your hair!! You are always beautiful and even though this is a little different, it’s still you!
I completely understand your experience with your hair, mine has been very similar. I still need to discover Moroccan oil though! But I like my hair better now than ever before. I went red, naturally via henna, a few years ago and haven’t looked back. It binds to the keratin in your hair, therefore it’s permanent and really can’t be stripped out, but every time I use it my hair feels and looks so much better. This being said, it has definitely become a physical crutch for me as well.
I can relate to that feeling. This past year I had a cut which I cried about and had to go back in and ask another stylist to fix. It was so uncomfortable, but I knew I’d be upset walking around with a one length bob (totally different from the asymmetrical cut for which I asked!). I hope you feel better about the cut. Remember that what you look like doesn’t define you, being a child of God defines you and that never changes or transforms. P.S. – When your page came up and I saw your new bangs, I thought, “LOVE!” So from this perspective, you’re still a beautiful person inside and out.
It’s definitely a big change and I don’t blame you for being shocked! However, I think the bangs and the way you flat-ironed your hair is very flattering for your round-shaped face.
Don’t worry, the bangs will grow out pretty quickly to the length you want. Maybe you can add more highlights and do a keratin treatment?
You have enviable hair. I can’t grow my hair long. It’s frizzy, thin and boring.