my jewelry capsule.

earrings. choker. tee. jeans. similar cardigan. It’s no secret that I am a huge, huge fan of capsules. But did you know you can have a capsule for more than just your clothes and shoes? It’s true! I use capsule…

what I wore lately.

Anyone else feel like it was the middle of February, they blinked and now it’s the 25th? How?? The first two months are flying by over here, probably because we are very engaged in house and business projects. I kind…

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Meet Cori




Meet Cori





Corilynn & co is part of several affiliate networks. This means, by clicking on and/or purchasing items via links posted on this blog, I may receive a commission. Sponsored posts, and brand collaborations are always disclosed and any gifted items are marked c/o. All opinions are, as always, my own. Working with brands and affiliates makes this blog possible and helps me put a little money away for my kid’s college. If that’s cool with you, it’s cool with me. ;-)

our family mantra this year.

jumpsuit.(great denim one here.) boots. similar hat. Craig’s hat. sweatshirt. For the past several months we’ve been remodeling our second set of stairs. The original ones were small, narrow and much too steep. In fact, they were more ladder than…

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what I wore last week + the best president’s day sales.

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a lovely weekend! My kids are off school for the next 3 days for winter break and we plan to make the most of it! Lots of baking and enjoying the cold weather.…

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Corilynn & co is part of several affiliate networks. This means, by clicking on and/or purchasing items via links posted on this blog, I may receive a commission. Sponsored posts, and brand collaborations are always disclosed and any gifted items are marked c/o. All opinions are, as always, my own. Working with brands and affiliates makes this blog possible and helps me put a little money away for my kid’s college. If that’s cool with you, it’s cool with me. ;-)