How to naturally dye Easter eggs.

I’ve been wanting to try naturally dyeing our Easter eggs for the last several years, and never gotten around to it until this year. My goodness, they turn out so pretty and make the egg dyeing process so much more…

capsule must-have: a white button down.

white button down Oxford shirt. jeans. sneakers. necklace set. I’m not shy on here about my love for capsule wardrobes. Mine has been life-changing for me, especially with regard to simplifying my everyday routines, and giving me more confidence when…

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Meet Cori





Corilynn & co is part of several affiliate networks. This means, by clicking on and/or purchasing items via links posted on this blog, I may receive a commission. Sponsored posts, and brand collaborations are always disclosed and any gifted items are marked c/o. All opinions are, as always, my own. Working with brands and affiliates makes this blog possible and helps me put a little money away for my kid’s college. If that’s cool with you, it’s cool with me. ;-)

5 ways to style a graphic sweatshirt.

Today is a really special style series, because I am styling one of the brand new graphic sweatshirts in my shop So Provincial. This new line of sweatshirts is designed “for women who…” and is so special to me, because…

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how to hang vertical {faux} shiplap.

chambray shirt. jeans. converse sneakers. similar hat. The first time I ever used a power tool I was 23 years old, and it intimidated the heck out of me. We were a few months out of college, Carter was a…

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Corilynn & co is part of several affiliate networks. This means, by clicking on and/or purchasing items via links posted on this blog, I may receive a commission. Sponsored posts, and brand collaborations are always disclosed and any gifted items are marked c/o. All opinions are, as always, my own. Working with brands and affiliates makes this blog possible and helps me put a little money away for my kid’s college. If that’s cool with you, it’s cool with me. ;-)