our carrara penny round patterned pantry floor.

Can you say that title 5 times fast?? A few weeks ago we finished our pantry floor and today I want to give you a peek and it and share the inspiration behind it. So we’ve been working on a…

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how to tie a neck scarf.

Of all the things I wear, neck scarves are one of them that seems to elicit strong opinions. People either love them, or think they look like something right out of a western or like I’m applying for a job…

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Meet Cori




Meet Cori





Corilynn & co is part of several affiliate networks. This means, by clicking on and/or purchasing items via links posted on this blog, I may receive a commission. Sponsored posts, and brand collaborations are always disclosed and any gifted items are marked c/o. All opinions are, as always, my own. Working with brands and affiliates makes this blog possible and helps me put a little money away for my kid’s college. If that’s cool with you, it’s cool with me. ;-)

madewell insider event favorites.

Madewell’s insider event began late last week, and today I am rounding up some favorites and great wardrobe staples from the sale. This is one of my favorite sales of the year, and I usually pick up at least a…

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Corilynn & co is part of several affiliate networks. This means, by clicking on and/or purchasing items via links posted on this blog, I may receive a commission. Sponsored posts, and brand collaborations are always disclosed and any gifted items are marked c/o. All opinions are, as always, my own. Working with brands and affiliates makes this blog possible and helps me put a little money away for my kid’s college. If that’s cool with you, it’s cool with me. ;-)