for the love of linen… and easy tips for making a lovely bed.

There are things I do every morning that have a massive impact on my days going well, my mental health, and my productivity. Exercising, getting dressed, etc. But the very first thing I do every single morning is make my…

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Meet Cori




Meet Cori





Corilynn & co is part of several affiliate networks. This means, by clicking on and/or purchasing items via links posted on this blog, I may receive a commission. Sponsored posts, and brand collaborations are always disclosed and any gifted items are marked c/o. All opinions are, as always, my own. Working with brands and affiliates makes this blog possible and helps me put a little money away for my kid’s college. If that’s cool with you, it’s cool with me. ;-)

how to create a charming vignette for a nursery or kid’s room.

Finn’s room has been the room of many uses since we moved into our house. It started as Hannah’s room and then when Ava was old enough, we moved them into the same room to share and it became a…

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Madewell Memorial Day sale favorites.

outfit links. Madewell’s Memorial Day sale started a week early (yay!). 25% off everything! It’s a great time to stock up on items for your summer capsule. I’ve rounded up a few great pieces below. I also recommend checking out…

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Corilynn & co is part of several affiliate networks. This means, by clicking on and/or purchasing items via links posted on this blog, I may receive a commission. Sponsored posts, and brand collaborations are always disclosed and any gifted items are marked c/o. All opinions are, as always, my own. Working with brands and affiliates makes this blog possible and helps me put a little money away for my kid’s college. If that’s cool with you, it’s cool with me. ;-)