Travel Guide, Norway: The Fjords, Flåm, Aurlandsvangen, & Gudvangen.

Earlier this week I shared an overview of our entire trip to Norway, including the full itinerary and cost for the trip. Today I’m doing a deep dive on our favorite part of our trip to Norway, THE FJORDS! We…

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Travel Norway: 1-week Itinerary and Cost.

It’s been just over a week since we got back from our trip to Norway and we’re all still on a high from it. It was one of the most incredible places we’ve ever been and we enjoyed every minute…

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Meet Cori




Meet Cori





Corilynn & co is part of several affiliate networks. This means, by clicking on and/or purchasing items via links posted on this blog, I may receive a commission. Sponsored posts, and brand collaborations are always disclosed and any gifted items are marked c/o. All opinions are, as always, my own. Working with brands and affiliates makes this blog possible and helps me put a little money away for my kid’s college. If that’s cool with you, it’s cool with me. ;-)

what I packed for Norway.

I used to be a chronic over-packer. I would essentially dump all of my favorite clothing items into a massive suitcase (or two), and hope that when I got to the other end, the mess equalled something I would want…

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choosing our new outdoor sconces.

Now that our house is done being painted, it’s time to address some other outdoor issues, namely the broken lights that flank the front door. These lanterns have been here since we moved in 5 years ago, and they’ve definitely…

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Corilynn & co is part of several affiliate networks. This means, by clicking on and/or purchasing items via links posted on this blog, I may receive a commission. Sponsored posts, and brand collaborations are always disclosed and any gifted items are marked c/o. All opinions are, as always, my own. Working with brands and affiliates makes this blog possible and helps me put a little money away for my kid’s college. If that’s cool with you, it’s cool with me. ;-)