Category: Blog

holiday gift guide 2019: for the tween/teen girl

This is one of my favorite gift guides yet.  A gift guide for the tween/teen girl, and my Hannah picked everything out herself.  This is good news, because she’s got great taste and finds the best stuff.  I hope you…

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holiday gift guide 2019: for the tween/teen boy

Hey guys, I am super excited to share this gift guide for the tween/teen boy with you today.  Everything was hand-picked by my tween/teen boys and this stuff is good! 1.Hammock: This packable hammock is perfect for camping, my boys…

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the best cyber week sales!

Okay you guys!  Let’s do this here’s a comprehensive list of all the best cyber week sales!  I will keep this post updated throughout the week as sales change and we find more great deals for you! Happy Holiday Shopping!…

Early Black Friday sales.

I’m not sure why it is that so many stores have been starting their Black Friday sales early (and I wish they would just hold their horses so we could all just do thanksgiving first!), but I know a lot…

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holiday gift guide 2019: for him.

Hi all!  I’ve got another fun holiday gift guide for you today for the men in your life!   Gift guides for him are some of my favorite to put together because, let’s face it, men can be really hard…

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