Category: life

happy holidays.

 From our crazy family, to yours. I didn’t get around to doing a Christmas card this year, November became December and suddenly it was Christmas, so this little snap-shot will have to do… Life is messy. And also, here are…

wide open spaces.

I love the city just as much as the next girl, but the truth is, I feel most at home in wide-open spaces.  When I get out into the calm of an open field, watch the sunset on grain, feel…


My husband doesn’t like chocolate.  Of any variety, like at all.  I tell you what, when I found that out while we were dating, it was almost a deal breaker… but then I realized I would literally never have to…


I think fall is by far the most magical season.  I really wanted a fall this year because I felt like I hadn’t  had a proper one in a long time and it’s just so very fall this year that…


Our weekend was epic, how about yours?  Cupcakes, cobbler, a hint of fall weather, and a wicked game of settlers of catan with mr, my sweet sister and her hubs.  Have I mentioned that I’m a bit, ahem, competitive?  I’m happy…

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