Mint Baseball Tee: Loft. Jeans: Zara. (similar here and here.)
So let’s be real, laundry is not may favorite thing, but then, is it anyones favorite thing? I remember when I was in college I did maybe 2 loads of laundry a week at most and it was a piece of cake.
When I think back on that, I seriously wonder why I thought that was a chore at all. Why wasn’t I prancing my way over to the laundry room with glee to do my two little loads of laundry? Cheerfully folding my socks, happily hanging my shirts… Then I got married, and still, the laundry was a piece of cake. Now instead of 2 small loads, we washed three decent loads a week. No big deal. Sure, we were living in a tiny basement apartment and I was tromping those three loads through the snow to the laundry room, but still only,
Then something happened. We had a baby. Tiny little Hannah came along, all 6 lbs 14 oz of her and suddenly our laundry doubled. Doubled. How on earth a little human the size of a small pumpkin is capable of doubling the laundry output is beyond me, but that’s what happened. Burp clothes and swaddling blankets and teeny tiny socks, our laundry doubled. Fast forward a decade, three more kids and lots of grass stains later, I can’t even begin to tell you how much laundry I do in a week, but let me just say it is the biggest job in the house.
After a decade of dealing with the never-ending pile of dirty-then clean but not yet folded laundry on the floor, I’ve found a few life–er laundry saving hacks that will (I promise you) change your life.
Or at least your feelings about the laundry.
And today I’m going to share them with you, along with a new detergent that I think you’ll want to try.
Let me just start by saying that my laundry room is nothing special. In fact, it’s little more than a hallway between the garage and the house, (who in their right mind designed that?) and it’s my least favorite space in my home, mostly because it’s where everything gets dumped–shoes, coats, backpacks, and all that dirty laundry. No wonder I’ve got such a large laundry/mudroom board on pinterest… le sigh.
Even so, the laundry, I’ve found can be a positive experience, even with less than positive conditions.
Because laundry is such a big part of my life as a mother, and because it took me so many years to find a system that worked for me and for our home, when Persil Proclean approached me about trying out their brand new line of detergents, I jumped at the chance.
Available in three forms, Persil ProClean detergents have power-packed formulas that are great for everyday laundry and are powerful enough to help remove those tough stains.
I was excited to give all three a try because with four active kids I’ve got all kinds of laundry stain problems. I tried the Persil ProClean Power liquid first, it’s the perfect everyday detergent for me. It has powerful enzymes designed for lifting stains and making your clothes look amazing. The ProClean Power Pearls detergent is my favorite for whites. The detergent is designed to brighten your whites, but it’s still safe to use on your colors as well. Best of the three, in my humble opinion, its the Persil PowerCaps. I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who has trouble not using too much detergent. (I want to get those clothes really clean!) But in the process I go through way more laundry soap than I need to, and I don’t like to be wasteful. These power caps are awesome because each pre-measured Power-Caps detergent capsule combines Pro-Lift Stain Removers plus a Brightness Formula for a powerful cleaning combination. Persil Power-Caps are formulated to dissolve in all water temperatures and can be used with whites or colors. Anything that simplifies laundry gets two thumbs up from me.
Speaking of simplifying the laundry here are my top four life-changing laundry hacks:
#1: Fold right out of the dryer.
Folding an entire load of laundry takes maybe 8 minutes if you’re going slow. It’s when you let the loads pile up that laundry folding turns into a 3 hour gig. If you fold right out of the dryer that never happens, you avoid the clothes getting wrinkly and you get to enjoy that warm fresh-out-of-the-dryer smell. Don’t start a dryer load until you know you’ll be there to fold it when it stops. Clothes get just as wrinkly cooling off in the dryer as they do in a basket.
#2: Keep a basket and a change catcher.
I keep a jar next to the washer and dryer to catch spare change that falls out of pockets. That way I don’t have random piles of change all over the laundry hallway, and I can raid it for quarters when I need to go to the carwash. I also keep a basket with dryer sheets, dryer balls, and other loose laundry tools in it. Keeps the room cleaner and more organized.
#3: Do a load of laundry every single day.
I know, I know. It sounds crazy, because who wants to do laundry every single day? But I promise you, if you wash a load each day of the week you never get behind and it’s never more than a 10-15 minute job. 5 minutes to start a load, 2 minutes an hour later to switch it, another 5-10 minutes to fold, and voila! I promise you, this will change your life.
Find my super secret laundry schedule below, if you follow this you will never get behind on laundry again and all the clothes get washed.
#4: Use a Cheat Sheet.
Stain removal can be such a time suck. I can’t tell you how many hours I have waisted trying to figure out how to get this or that stain out, only to fail. Get a cheat sheet. I love the stain guide on Persil ProClean’s website.
Bonus Tip: Get yourself a collapsable drying rack.
I love getting dolled up for a night on the town with my cute husband which usually involves something sparkly. All those delicates are fun to wear but the whole “lay flat to dry” can be a real pain when you don’t have a dedicated drying area. Especially in a place like Seattle where the air has so much moisture and it takes literally forever for things to dry. I use a collapsable drying rack and I place it in front of the fireplace in my living room. A little heat dries out the air and speeds up the process, saving me time (which I love). When the clothes are done, the rack folds up and tucks away nicely in my closet.
I know you all love going out as much as I do and right now Persil ProClean is giving you the opportunity to win a year supply of Persil and a premium night out on the town. The Premium night on town includes a $300 gift card, $200 gift card, and a $150 card credit. A second place winner will also receive a year supply of Persil®. Go here to enter and hurry hurry, sweepstakes ends on 4/12/15!
big thanks to Persil ProClean for sponsoring this post! All opinion were my own. Thank you for supporting that brands that support this blog.

Great tips<3
Shall We Sasa
Laundry is actually my favorite chore in the house. I would pick laundry over everything else. Now dishes, dishes I hate!!
I agree with doing laundry every night. When our kids lived at home, that is what worked for us. Also, I never thought to NOT fold the laundry right out of the dryer.
Good job!
I do my laundry all on’s my day to be home and get my house in order after the weekend. I love it. My mother-in-law taught me that when we lived with her. Then on the other days, I have other chores I do..but I love my Monday laundry days.
Persil! Where did you find it?
It is a well established brand in Europe and my mother swears by it! She has used it for over thirty years (in France). I am glad to know I will find it in the USA; honestly, after trying different brands, and having each load soak overnight, I still haven’t been satisfied with the results.