Dress: Corilynn. Boots: Steve Madden. (similar here.) Sweater: Old Navy. (similar here.) Bag: Target.
Me and two of my ducklings have come down with the nastiest of colds. I swear, as soon as you start sending your kids to school, it’s like a revolving virus door. By the time one sickness has cycled it’s way through the whole family, there’s a new strain setting up camp. It’s so bloody annoying. It’s the worst with Ava too because she’s so little it takes her body forever to get better. Like during the fall when she got a bad barking cough that lasted for basically 2 months. Her nursery teacher at church just about forgot her name.
Anyway, my head is a little fuzzy from the decongestant I just took, so I’ll keep this short, but I just want to say, wearing a dress on a random weekday is one of the true joys of being a woman. I always feel amazing in a dress. And since we’ve had such gloriously sunny weather here in the PNW for the last several days, I didn’t even need to throw on a pair of tights. Just a pretty floral dress and my riding boots.
Take that January!
Happy weekend eve everyone!

gorgeous dress! Love the boots with it
thank you Mel!
Love the floral print<3
Shall We Sasa
Super cute look. Really love the dress!
I hope you and your family get healthy soon.
a note on anxiety that you discussed in a previous post..GIVE UP WHEAT…GO GLUTEN FREE.
I suffered from anxiety, panic attacks tried meds, yoga, everthing. My dad told me about giving up wheat. 2 weeks later I felt so good..that was over 5 years agao and my anxiety is 99 percent better.
There are two great books out there on the matter. WHEAT BELLY and GRAIN BRAIN.
if you don’t have time to read the books, Wheat Belly has a blog and on the side bar you can click on anxiety and it will explain how it wheat corilates to anxiety.
I have encouraged 2 of my friends, who were also suffering from anxiety to give up wheat and their life has been so much better since they did.
My heart breaks when I hear about people’s anxiety…I just want share this tip.
there are so many gluten free options now a days that it makez going Gf easy. I still eat pasta, pancakes, muffins, crackers, bread but now it’s all gluten free.
I thinks you are such a talented desinger and loving mom. I look forward to your blog posts every day.
this is such great advice! I’ve been hearing a lot of stuff about the benefits of cutting wheat/gluten out of your diet. I think it’s definitely worth a try. thank!
This makes so much sense! I’m so glad I read your comment… With my first pregnancy I gave up wheat & gluten and my anxiety was gone. I’ve never felt better, but since giving birth to my first almost 3 years ago now my anxiety is back. It’s not as bad as it was, but it’s still with me. I’m now pregnant with our 3rd and the anxiety is brutal this time. Reading your comment about giving up wheat completely makes sense now! Thanks!
Such a pretty outfit! Love the dress! I am so tired of all the sickness we had this year, that this year I am trying to figure out some natural ways to stay healthier. My son is really prone to coughs, and we live on a college campus, and my husband works at a high school, so with all the people around, some sickness seems to always be going around. I just bought some Thieves essential oil, and am trying to figure out how to best use it. I also bought some ingredients for an immune boosting tonic (onions, ginger, garlic, and jalapeno, cover with ACV with the Mother and let sit 6 weeks), that some friends recommended. We’ll see how it goes. I also want to try to make some tinctures. It’s going to be a learning experience.