Okay, so this is slightly embarrassing and a little revealing but here is a picture of our master bedroom:
Well, actually correction; this is a picture of our old master bedroom in Utah from this last spring. Before we knew we were moving back to Seattle I decided to give our master bed a little facelift. The truth is, I’ve never, ever loved our room. Crazy right? I mean, a master bedroom should (you know in a perfect world) be a retreat, heavenly and relaxing and thoughtfully curated. But let’s be real, the master bedroom ends up being the laundry dump in our house. I mean, do you know how much laundry I do in a week? I can’t even imagine how my mom ever kept up with the laundry of 6 kids, I’m drowning in it with 4.
But I digress. The point is, the master bed is this intimate private place, that non-family people never really see, so I have just never made it my first priority when it came to putting my house together. And when I don’t make something a priority, it becomes the family drop zone, and basically a mess. I don’t love messy spaces, which means I pretty much always hate our master bedroom. This spring I decided I was going to do something (you know, for once) with our sleeping space. This is what I started with: A nice, if cave-like space with an outdated faux venetian finish on the upper half of the wall (hello 2006), some nice built-in shelving, pretty chair rail, a nice neutral paint color on the bottom half of the wall, and some left-over valance that no one had bothered to take down. Oh, and don’t forget the perpetual ironing board, and the little piles in every corner, also random hat hanging on the wall- I don’t even know… (sheesh. and also, blah.) I wanted to see what I could do with the room with just a little bit of paint and the pieces I already had at my disposal. (i.e. stuff I planned on stealing from around the house, and the inexpensive Ikea furniture we already have. Gotta love Ikea- not even kidding. I loooove Ikea.)
I was really excited to work with Sherwin-Williams on my little project. I’ve been a huge fan of theirs since we owned our first house and did a color revamp to the whole thing. After a botched paint debacle, that I’m still traumatized by almost a decade later, I learned that buying great paint saves you so much time and money, and I’ve been a faithful fan of Sherwin-Williams ever since. For our bedroom facelift, I decided on a soft neutral white. The room was surprisingly devoid of natural light; given it’s size it could have used at least another window or two (or like 5), and I really wanted to lighten up the space, and give it a clean fresh look. Here was my basic inspiration:
oar, duvet , bed, (also loving this duvet), pillows, art print, zinc letters.
(I like stripes, okay!)
I decided on Moderate White (SW6140) which turned out to be a really perfect soft neutral white and then I got to work painting…
Can’t wait to show you the finished space.
I’m still a little sad that we had to leave it behind.
Coming soon…
big thanks to Sherwin-Williams for providing the paint.
ps. kisses to all of you for the sweet words about The Audrey skirt we released yesterday. You have no idea how much it means to me. I’m like an anxiety wracked crazy person (literally) every time we release a new design. (they’re kind of like my other children, okay) So all your kind words (and let’s be real, all your kind orders) mean more than the world to me. Thanks for having my back in this crazy little dream of mine.
xo, forever…

Shall We Sasa: Birthday Night Out
STRIPES! Shocked ;) hahaha there can never be too many stripes!!
Looking forward to the reveal!! Want to see how moderate white turned out, as I’m considering it for one of my rooms…