There are few things in life that I think I do well enough to toot my own horn about. Making French bread is one of them.
Guys, I make really, really amazing French bread. And it turns out, having this skill is actually very useful because, A. French bread is really ridiculously delicious, B. It’s a very versatile bread- it’s great standing alone, and it pairs beautifully with a myriad of meals, and C. there are some really amazing recipes you can make with a great loaf of French bread.
I thought since it’s now post-labor day and we can say that even if we aren’t fully into fall we are at least rounding the corner in that direction, a great bread recipe was in order. And this is a great bread recipe, plus it’s relatively simple, and turns out beautifully.
Homemade French Bread:
2 cups of hot water
2 TBSP shortening or butter (I always use butter)
2 TBSP sugar
4 tsp. salt
2 pkgs yeast (rapid rise works best)
1 cup lukewarm water
7 to 8 cups flour
evaporated milk
Combine hot water, butter, sugar, and salt, in a large bowl or mixer. Stir to melt shortening and dissolve sugar and salt. Set aside and cool to lukewarm.
Dissolve yeast in 1 cup of lukewarm water. Add to cooled butter/sugar mixture. Mix in 4 cups of the flour and beat until blended. (I do all of this in my kitchen aid stand mixer.) Change beater to a hook. Add remaining flour to make a moderately stiff dough. Knead until it’s smoother than a baby’s bottom. ;-)
Cover and place in a warm spot to rise until it doubles in size. (about 1 hour.)
Punch down and divide into 3 balls. Let them rise for 10 minutes. Roll each ball into a rectangle then roll up as a jelly roll. Shape and seal ends, then score with a sharp knife down the top of the loaf. Place on a greased cookie sheet. Brush with evaporated milk. Let rise in a warm spot 1.5 hours.
Bake at 400 deg. for 25 minutes. Brush with butter, and
Tip: warmth is a friend to yeast. If you want your dough to rise nicely, find a warm spot in your kitchen and let it be.
Post baking confession: I really want this kitchen aid ice blue mixer, (you all know how I feel about mint) like so much that I’m actually wishing for the death of my current (white) kitchen aid mixer which I’ve had and used almost weekly since Craig and I were married 11 years ago. That’s how awesome these mixers are. Cookies, rolls, bread dough, you name it, at least once a week for the past 11 years and this mixer just. won’t. quit. And I really want it to quit so I have an excuse to buy myself a new one in that perfect shade of blue. I suppose I could just go ahead and buy it anyway, but then–waste not, want not and all that… and I just can’t bring myself to do it when I know that my white kitchen aid is still kicking-er-mixing it’s bad self just fine.
Okay. Confession over. Go forth and bake bread.

This looks insanely gorgeous! I’ll definitely have to try out making this sometime, I’m constantly eating french great, it’s delicious! Looking at these pictures had made me hungry for my lunch, so I’m off out to pick up some french bread from the shops. It won’t look anything as nice as yours does here though!
Joanne |
I love that kitchen aid too! My fiancé and I put it on our wedding registry at BB&B. It’s so beautifully minty. Can’t wait to get it!
French bread has that perfect texture…esp fresh.
Hey, just spray paint your mixer! Haha. Or EBay it to get some funds for the new one. Mine’s butter yellow…not great, but better than white, I suppose.
i have the contour silver color. husband picked it out as a christmas present to me, and i do love it. but one of those other ‘fun’ colors would
this bread looks amazing. my confession? i’ve never attempted to make my own homemade bread. perhaps now’s the time to try :) thanks for sharing.
It looks delicious! But what if you don’t have a stand mixer? Is there another option for the hook part of the process?
What a pretty mixer! My Mom just gave me this apron for my birthday. I love it!
I inherited my husband’s grandma’s kitchenaid mixer when she passed away. I’ve had it 12 years and it was that avocado green from the 70’s but we painted it white. It’s STILL going!!! I’d love to get a new one but I can’t justify it either. They last forever!