Dress: The Peplum Dress. (find it on Kickstarter). Shoes: Enzo Angiolini. Bag: Kenneth Cole Reaction. Necklace: Found on etsy. Lips: Nars. (heat wave)
Our kickstarter project passed the 80% mark today. Every time we hit another milestone, I do a cautiously optimistic happy dance. Just over 12 days to go and we’ve hit 80% of our goal. I am really, really happy about that, and so excited about how close we are getting. I don’t know if you know how kickstarter works, but it’s one of those all-or-nothing things. We either hit our goal, or the project won’t be funded. As in nothing, zip, nada, nilch– and all those pretty designs we’ve been dreaming of making for the past year, will remain dreams. While I’d probably have a lot more free-time to perfect my yodeling (I don’t yodel), and master scrabble, I really want this project to fund, because I believe in what we are doing.
I love the clothes we make. When I wear them, I feel empowered, like I’m the woman I want to be. I love getting emails with pictures and stories from our customers, telling me where they wore their piece and how it made them feel. I love that you’ve let me be a little part of your lives, that many of you have become my virtual friends, that you’ve shared this journey with me. If you had told me five years ago that I would be doing something like this, I never would have believed you. I didn’t grow up dreaming of becoming a designer. Clothing design was one of those grown-up passions that materialized sort of naturally without me really even trying. And then suddenly this passion was a dream, and I thought, “why not me?”
Seriously though, why not?
When I started this process, I knew a lot about making clothes myself and basically nothing about the business of getting clothes made. I love the way doing this has changed me, made me more savvy, braver, and less intimidated. When I started I felt silly. Like an impostor, but I don’t feel that way anymore. I love how this business has become something that Craig and I do together, how it’s changed our relationship, how we get to be a team on this too. It’s fun to run a business with your spouse. When we are working it feels like a date, and it kind of is. (we go on real dates too.) I love that he’s found a passion for business that he didn’t know he had.
I spoke to our production house yesterday. These women, they are my family now. Our family. They love my kids, and me, and especially Craig. (Craig is always everyone’s favorite.) I’m so happy when I think about getting to work with them. I knew when we decided that we were going to make things here in the USA, that it wouldn’t be easy. I knew it would cost more, that we wouldn’t have as much money for marketing, and expansion. I also knew that it meant we’d be working with people who were passionate about making clothes. Who were craftsman. That we’d be paying a fair price for a great product; I think that’s the right way to make and sell things. And I believe when you do things for the right reasons (plus a lot of hard work), things just start working out.
We believe in American Made products and we are so excited to play a tiny role in the grassroots resurgence of American manufacturing. There are some really amazing people out there passionate enough to do it this way and I’m so happy that I get to count myself as one of them.
So many of you have shared and backed our project already, and if you have, thank you so much! I have been so overwhelmed by the support, and by your love and encouragement. If you haven’t seen it already, check out our video on Kickstarter. You can also see all of our new designs that we’re trying to bring to life through this project. Backing our project allows you to reserve one of these new pieces for yourself, and helps us bring this dream to life.
If you haven’t yet, pretty please share this project over your social media channels. Tell your friends and family about what we are doing.
And a big huge hug and a thank you to everyone!
ps. come back Monday, Craig and I will be answering your questions. In a video. And it promises to be rather entertaining. ;-)

What a great post! I always enjoy learning a little more about your production process and how and why you got into this business. Your Kickstarter progress speaks to how far you’ve come and how much the business has grown (and how you and your family have grown throughout the process!). Best of luck in the home stretch! :)
I absolutely love this, Cori! I don’t think many people know how costly it is to manufacture clothes in the US and how important it is!! I’m so happy you mentioned why producing clothes here is important to you and how it isn’t always easy.
Almost there with Kickstarter!! Good luck!
Cori!!! How very brave of you to put such personal feelings out there for all the world to read. I think that your passion for your business and the world of fashion shines through brilliantly. It’s funny how we don’t know each other but I am rooting for your success! I really hope your kickstarter funds because the world needs more beautiful,womanly, well made clothing and my closet NEEDS three new dresses (despite what my husband may say:))
I’m so happy you’re part of the “Made in America” movement! I haven’t purchased an imported clothing item for myself in over a year. It’s been tough, frustrating, and emotionally draining at times to constantly read, “made in China” or have to ask where something was made, but those pieces that I have picked up in the last year are high quality and mean something to me. They’re never going to end up in a landfill or at the bottom of my closet because I worked hard to buy each and every one of them.
I don’t know you either, but I’m really really rooting for you! Just curious as to how it works exactly. Are you trying to get funded through kickstarter so you don’t have to come up with all the money right away to produce your designs to sell? I imagine that would be quite tough.. I was trying to read up on how it all works. Anyways, I am really praying you get fully funded!
This is such an inspiring post. I really hope you get funded!
I find it so inspirational the way that you are chasing your dreams! I love it!
I love your blog and wish you all the best! Do you remember where on etsy you found that necklace? It’s beautiful!
beautiful skirt!
ladies in navy
I just became a backer for your kickstarter! I seriously love you as a blogger and designer and I think your clothes are amazing. Thank you for making modest, stylish dresses! Keep it up!