Before I get into the nitty-gritty guts of this post can we talk about this sweater/sweatshirt hybrid for a minute, because it’s awesome. I ordered it in the absolute heat of the summer knowing it would be gone long before the weather merited a long sleeved ensemble. I stared at it lovingly for two months waiting for October to arrive with promise of crisp afternoons and turning leaves, when I would finally get to wear my sweater-shirt. Which is what we’re now going to call this cowl-neck hybrid in all it’s strip-ed perfection.
Here’s the truth of it, and probably more than you’d like to know about me. I’m rather hormonal. My sisters and I are all that way. We swell up when we travel, when we’re pregnant, when it’s that time of the month, and also we get a little crazy. It’s fun. It’s sooo fun. Especially for the men in our lives. Unfortunately it also makes the post-partum period rather dicey for us as well. My sister Meghan and I talk about how we deal with the rough patches after having a baby, we call it “running off the crazy.” In other words, exercising the crap out of our mood-swings.
While I try not to dwell on the unpleasant parts of being a woman, because there are so many fabulous things about being a girl, (aren’t there?!) I thought maybe, just maybe there’s someone out there who might be experiencing the same type of thing, and since I’ve done this five times now, I figured I’d share a few of my tips for navigating the post-partum battlefield. (But really, I think these things can just be applied to anyone, anytime, any day.)
1. Run the crazy off. If I don’t exercise, I feel like crap. Period. I swear, there doesn’t seem to be any bad thing at all in my life that doesn’t get better after a good hard, lung burning run. I like to run or do really hard core intense cardio (think Insanity) but you can choose your weapon of choice. Just get your heart-rate up and kick your troubles to the curb. (it’s fantastic for anxiety too ;-)
2. Sleep. This is a hard one for me, because I am a total night owl. I can’t help it. My brain just comes alive at night! Except a lot of the time pulling an all-night marathon just ruins my day the next day and I get puffy, which also makes me feel icky. Going to bed at a reasonable hour, getting good sleep and waking up early does wonders for my psyche.
3. Eating well. You are what you eat. You eat crap, you feel like crap. Eat well, feel well. End of story.
4. Get ready for the day. More important to me than almost anything else, is getting dressed. I have to get dressed every single day. It’s not that I’m a primadona. If I stay in my pj’s all day I get so depressed. Even when I’m sick I get dressed, even when I had a baby yesterday, I get dressed. Even when the whole world seems to be crumbling, I get dressed, I fix my hair, and I put on some make-up. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, and in fact I have a little formula for dealing with those rough days when your closet doesn’t like you. I call it KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. Find a go-to outfit (or two or three!) One that you always feel great in, and isn’t complicated (think great jeans, and a sweater). One that you can fall back on in a pinch, or when you’re low on time or when you know, all the forces of nature and your closet seem to conspire against you. I promise that if you make yourself get ready everyday in a way that makes you feel great it will change your whole world. Plus, like Chanel said: “I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little – if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that’s the day she has a date with destiny. And it’s best to be as pretty as possible for destiny.”
Sweater-shirt.: JCrew Factory. Jeans: Hudson. Belt: Mr’s (I stole it from him-hehe) Shoes: Payless.

I love the outfit. So cozy and warm looking. Since I’m in Florida it will be a couple more months before I can wear something like that but I can’t wait!
gorgeous look and love your tips! getting dressed does always help, so does exercise
kelsey, Ladies in Navy Nordstrom Giveaway!
i love everything about this post. first of all – love the outfit. that sweater has fall coziness written all over it. good pick. second – i really love that you spelled these simple things out. they’re simple things, but we forgot that sometimes. if we eat crap, we’ll feel like crap. or just getting ready in a simple outfit with simple, natural make up can totally change how your day goes. so thank you, again, for posting this.
I ADORE that sweater-shirt. :)
I love your comment about getting dressed even if you had a baby the day before. I’m totally a get-dressed-every-day-no-matter-what kind of girl, but hadn’t really thought about it when I was packing my hospital bag in preparation for my baby to come. But you were pregnant with Ava at the same time I was pregnant with Foster (you were a couple of days ahead of me, I think) and you posted your hospital packing list and said you changed into normal clothes the second your babies were out. I packed accordingly, changed within 10 minutes of delivering, and felt like a zillion dollars. Best advice you ever could have given (and I’ve passed it along to all my friends!). Here I am, 11 months later, telling you this story, but didn’t think of it til now and had to tell you! You’re wonderful! xo
I’m so glad I’m not the only one! And I’m glad my hospital bag post was helpful. There were so many things I learned on Hannah, so many things I wish I would have known before hand. Those hospital gowns are the worst, I refuse to wear them now. haha.
p.s. I love this sweater on you…you look fab, as always.
I love that top on you. It looks fab.
I swell up all the time as well. You are right; it is awful. I think birth control pills make it worse and I’d stop taking them if I wasn’t sure I’d break out in cystic acne for a year.
Birth control pills are the literal worst. ;-)
Love your outfit! So cozy looking & makes me look forward to the cool autumn days!
So true…thank you for the reminder! I’m far more able to manage my Type A stress when I stay active…it’s as if all my worries are swept away with a good sweat! Your eating and getting plenty of rest tips are right on…I couldn’t have said it better myself! ;)
I love the way you put that, “type A stress.” so perfect.
I love your outfit, I can’t wait to be able to wear sweaters but it looks like that not happening at least for another month here in Phoenix, you know how fall is here.
I totally agree. I also get very hormonal and it’s even more important to take care of yourself during that time of the month. Thank you for sharing this Cori.
Love your sweater.
You and I are two if the same girl! I am soooo hormonal at those times. Especially when I’m postpartum and have my monthly friend. My poor husband!! But it’s what they signed up for…and part of what they love about a strong woman!! Loved this post. So relatable. Speaking of…I need a good workout today!!
Aah man, they don’t have that sweater anymore. I like it soooo much. It’s looks cute on you.
I know! I bought it in the summer long before the weather got cold because I knew it would sell out.
Love the tips! Just passed them on to my friend who gave birth last week!
I started following your blog a few months ago, and it has quickly become my favorite! Some of the other fashion blogs I follow have gotten a little too high fashion for me, as in $900 shoes. Love them, but not in my budget. Are there any other fashion blogs like yours you could recommend?
Thanks Karen! I love Merrick’s Art, she’s totally cute and has a lot of great re-fashions. Kendi Everyday is a rockstar. By The Shore, Veronika is a total sweetheart and I love her feminine style. Classy Girls wear pearls is also very nice.
Lov your 4 easy tricks! These are good ways of looking towards life, baby or no baby :)
love your style too!!