the best faux christmas trees

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My favorite way to decorate my home during the holidays is with Christmas trees. Seriously, I’d be pretty happy with a tree in every room. I love a good fresh evergreen tree as much as the next Christmas obsessed girl, but after several sap incidents and dropped needles over the years, and now adding to that the possibility of bringing ticks into the house (yikes), not to mention the fire hazards, etc… I’ve fully moved my tent over to the faux tree camp.

But just because I am using faux trees, doesn’t mean I want them to look like faux trees, if you know what I mean. This is a classic, have your cake and eat it too situation. In other words. I want all the convenience of a faux tree and all the appearance of a real one. Sound like a tall order? It might be, but nevertheless, I’m going to keep trying…

I’ve rounded up a bunch of the best faux Christmas trees around. Some of them look more realistic than others, but all of them are beautiful. I’ve divided them by flocked and evergreen to make it easier for you to find the perfect tree.

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