All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go… As of Friday I am 2 weeks from my due date, so one order of business this week was to pack my hospital bag. I know lots of women like to be prepared nice and early so they’ll pack their bags as early as 34 weeks, which is totally fine! I usually pack mine somewhere between 36-38 weeks and it’s worked out great every time for me.
Since this is my 5th time around, I’ve pretty narrowed down exactly what I do and don’t need in my hospital bag. There are lots of thing I thought I would need my first time around that I never needed or used and other things I didn’t think about but wished I had. Here are my essentials!
First up, I am including items based on my own experience with vaginal deliveries and planning to breastfeed. If you give birth via c-section or formula feed, you may need to make adjustments.
Also, when I gave birth to Hannah I brought things like diapers for her and pads for myself, but the hospital provides all of those things, so you don’t need them, I wouldn’t waste time or space bringing them. I also recommend packing your stuff into a small roller suitcase as opposed to a bag, as it’s much easier to get it around the hospital and to keep it organized.

1-2 pairs pajamas. I packed my Tommy John second skin PJ’s top and bottom set because there’s almost nothing I can think of that is softer, or more comfortable, which is what I want to be. If you are only staying one night, then you only need one pair of pajamas. I recommend dark pants because you’ll be bleeding.
Loungewear for the day. I hate those hospital gowns you wear during delivery and change out of them as soon as I possibly can. I like a comfortable set of loungewear for the day in the hospital (preferably also in a dark color) and again you may want a couple sets depending on how long you’ll be staying in the hospital. I’m packing my Tommy John loungewear sets as well because they are so comfortable.
2-3 pairs of Socks. Hospital floors are cold and gross and your circulation is all off after you deliver, so definitely pack a few pairs of socks. You’ll probably want a pair for delivery as well. I am obsessed with Cuddldud socks. They are so soft and feel like heaven.
Robe. Your hormones are all over the place after you deliver, and it’s nice to have a good soft robe to put on if you get chilly.
Slippers. For walking on said cold hospital floors. My all-time favorite slippers are these ones from Minnetonka. They are insanely comfortable and still fit even if your feet are super swollen.
Rubber Flip-flops: these are a must have for your post-delivery shower.
Disposable underwear and/or diapers. Whether you deliver vaginally or via c-section you’re going to bleed, a lot. The hospital provides a pair but its a great idea to bring a few of your own, and have them on hand for when you go home. FridaMom makes these great disposable underwear, and you can also get these discreet diapers.
Nursing bras. If you are planning to breastfeed these are a must have. This bra is super soft and comfortable, and won’t hurt even if you are engorged.
Nighttime nursing bras. Yes, you’ll need a bra while you sleep as well, these are nice and comfy and pull over easy, no muss, no fuss.
Nursing pads. Your milk may not fully come in while you’re at the hospital but you are going to want these because when it does come in it can come in strong. Bring several sets to change often.
Toiletries bag. Make sure you bring all your essential toiletries in a bag, and especially some good lotion.
Soft hair ties. These are crucial for labor and after. I love these hosiery hair ties because they’re really soft and don’t tangle or damage your hair.
Soft brush. This drybar brush is so soft and doesn’t cause hair breakage while still getting tangles out.
Nursing pillow. Even if you are bottle feeding, I recommend having one of these because they give you extra support while holding and feeding the baby, and since your core basically just ran a marathon, it’s going to need a little break.
Extra long phone chargers. I don’t recommend bothering bringing a bunch of camera equipment, especially because phones have such amazing cameras on them now, but you will definitely want a nice long charging cord so you can keep your phone charged and capture all those sweet first moments.
Going home outfits for you and the baby. I am planning to wear this sweater pants and top set from Free Assembly and am bringing this sweet little romper for the baby, and a hat to keep his head warm.
Swaddling blanket for the baby. You won’t need blankets while you stay at the hospital but you will want one for the drive home. I love these waffle blankets, they are absolute magic for swaddling a baby.

Optional items to include: A big Water bottle, and I’m packing my favorite Waterdrops to help me stay hydrated. (You can get a 15% discount with code: CORILYNN15 at checkout for the next 72 hours.) Snacks for your husband while you are in labor is also a good idea, and a camera if you are feeling really ambitious.

There you go! Leave a comment if there’s something else you included in your hospital bag that would be helpful!