old soul tee. chambray shirt. Levi jeans. terra cotta pots. herb kit.
I really miss my garden and growing things right about this time of year, I literally can’t wait for spring to fully arrive so I can get my garden growing! One easy, fun way to add a little more green to your life is to plant a kitchen herb garden. And bonus! You can use your pretty plants for cooking and the food is going to be even better with those fresh herbs in it.
Planting a kitchen herb garden is super easy, only takes about 10 minutes to do, and you’ll be enjoying the fresh herbs for months to come.
Let’s get started.
First step is to gather your materials. You’ll need terra cotta pots with drain holes in the bottom, (I like to get the ones with the dish to catch the drainage water), the potted herbs of your choice, some gravel, and potting soil if necessary.
Some of my favorite herbs to grow and cook with are: Basil, Rosemary, Parsley, Oregano, and Mint. Mint and oregano can take over your garden, so they’re really great for planting in a potted herb garden.
You’ll start by filling the bottoms of your pots with gravel. One to two handfuls will do. This helps the water drain better and keeps the roots from getting moldy.
Give the box your herb is in a light squeeze to loosen it, and gently pull it out of the box. By squeezing the box you loosen the edges so you don’t have to pull so hard to get it out and it protects the plant.
Loosen the roots (again, gently) and place the herb into the pot. Fill with potting soil beforehand if necessary. You’ll want to make sure there is room for the plant to grow in the new pot, and you may have to fill the bottom a bit with potting soil before you plant.
Once the herbs are planted, loosen the soil at the top and give them a good drink. (But be careful not to over water.)
And that’s it! Now all you need to do is place the herbs on a sunny window sill and follow the watering instructions for the plants you’ve picked!
I first started really delving into growing last year, and I surprised even myself with how much I love caring for plants and growing things, I love it just as much as making homemade bread, sewing a dress, or decorating a room. I love all those organic skills from a past time and I love embracing them now. I’ve always been an old soul and I am so happy to have found so many “kindred spirits” (if you know, you know) here in this space. I hope this little how-to inspires you to add a little life and grow something in your own home!
And I am so excited to share that our exclusive new “old soul” tee just launched in my shop today. For all my fellow “old souls” out there! ;-). You can shop it right here.