similar top. jacket. shoes. jeans. similar bag. watch. tumbler.
Mornings are such an important part of your day, probably the most, but I feel like as a mom they can be so hectic. I learned years ago that it is really hard for me to have a pulled together productive day when my morning gets off to a rough start. So I thought it would be helpful to share with you all some practices I have picked up over the years to help our mornings run like clockwork, even though there are six of us getting ready to head out the door every morning. And truthfully I know these work amazingly well (which is why I am sharing them with you) because we have kids in 3 different schools and everyone in our house is leaving at different times, and right now we only have one, YES you read that right ONE bathroom, while we remodel our other one, and yet our mornings still run without any issues 99% of the time. I owe it almost entirely to these three things. If you are a busy mom, or just someone who wants to have a more intentional morning, these tips will help you get up and everyone out the door in record time and without incident.
So here we go, 3 simple tips for a smoother morning.
Get up earlier than your kids. I’ve always gotten up before my kids and gotten myself ready for the day. This was a lifesaver for me when I had 3 kids all 3 years and under, and it would have been all-too-easy to fall into the yoga-pants-all-day oblivion. I always do better when I am ready for the day. I am a much better, happier and more effective mom, and I think it’s a good example for my kids. It also helps with my mental health, something that is a huge priority for me. (I get depressed when I stay in sweats all day.) When my kids were very small, I had to prioritize sleep more because I was up with babies so much, so I didn’t work out in the mornings, but I always got up before my kids and got ready for the day. When they got older and I was getting more sleep at night, I started getting up a little earlier and working out in the morning before getting ready. Whatever you decide to do in the morning, get up and start your day intentionally before your kids are out of bed and needing attention from you.
Create a simple morning routine. If you fail to plan, then plan to fail. Decide how your morning is going to run everyday, and then stick to it. Make time to center yourself, move your body, do something spiritual, etc before you get into the hustle and bustle of life. My morning routine goes like this: I get up at 4am, make my bed and go right to the gym, after working out, I shower and get dressed then I drive Hannah to her morning seminary class and while there, I read my scriptures and pray, I also meditate for 2-3 minutes, review my day plan and to-finish list, then I drive her to school, go home finish getting myself ready and the other kids ready and off to school. Kiss my hubby goodbye and I start working for the day. This is a complicated morning routine, because there’s that seminary class tucked in there. But the reason I am able to get so much done before 8am is because I have a plan. I never have to wonder how our morning is going to run, because we run it the same every morning. And the reason all my kids are able to get ready efficiently (yes, even my kindergartener) is because of our morning routine. Every few months, my husband and I reassess our morning routine to see if there are any changes needed and make adjustments if there are. Implementing a morning routine with your kids even before they start school is really helpful in preparing them for when they do start school. And it just helps prepare them for a more effective life in general.
Plan your outfits at the beginning of the week. I’ve said this to so many styling clients, readers and friends over the years, it’s like gospel to me at this point. If you want to feel and look put together everyday, 7:30 am on a Tuesday morning is not the time to pick out your outfit. In fact that’s a recipe for a meltdown and a messy room. Mornings are busy (especially for moms!) and so I always recommend picking out your outfits for the week in advance. Sunday night is a fantastic time to prep for your week, organize your schedule, meal prep and of course, plan your outfits for the week! I actually have an outfit planner (there’s a link below if you want me to send it to you) and I sit down, go over what the plans and tasks I have for the week, check the weather each day, and then I plan my outfits for the week. Even down to the shoes and accessories. By planning my outfits in advance, during a non-stressful time, I am able to avoid time pressure, get ready faster, and feel great in my clothes everyday. This also helps me avoid falling into funks with getting dressed because I just “threw something on” in a hurry. And I’ve found that being intentional with the way I get dressed has also translated into more intentional mornings, days and weeks. It’s crazy the domino effect that happens when you start the day well, you will be amazed at the positive impact it will have on the rest of your life.
I hope you found these tips helpful! Give them a try, and see how much just a few simple changes can positively impact your morning and your life!
And if you would like to get my free printable weekly outfit planner, just plug your email in below and I’ll send it to you!

Very helpful tips! I mean, I don’t have kids but sometimes when I used to work in shifts, mornings could be hard so I’m definitely gonna save this post for future reference.
How do you get enough sleep if you are up at four?
Do your teens let you go to sleep early?
Love following you – great style, your momming style. My three older kids are older than yours but the younger two are similar ages to yours.
I’m at the other end of the size spectrum – 6 ft 175 lbs. Can you recommend someone my size (but similar esthetic) to follow?
Thanks for your positivity & light.
Thank you so much! Kendi Everyday is quite tall and has great style! I’ve met her in real life and she is lovely!