Top. Jeans. (run small go up 1-2 sizes) Boots. Hat.
At the beginning of every year, I sit down and do some planning for this site. I think about what content you guys would like, what might be helpful to you, and how I can serve you better. I also love reaching out to you on instagram and here and getting your feedback. Then I go into major planning mode. This is part of the reason I’ve been a little more quiet on here the last few weeks, (well, that and a new business, house and 4 kids…haha). I’m getting my ducks in a row for a great year of content. I’ve learned in the last few years how important it is to slow down and properly prepare for things rather than just rushing in willy-nilly. Stopping for a bit to get organized, and be intentional, always makes me much more effective. This is true in every aspect of my life, not just in this business.
All this to say, that I am going to be quite a bit more intentional and organized on this blog with my content. Starting with today. So many of you have reached out asking for more style tips and solutions. Simple things you can do to make the most of your wardrobe and feel great everyday. I am so excited about this because it’s one of my favorite things to do for you! Finding easy ways to help you feel great everyday is my passion.
So each week on Tuesday I’m going to share style solutions with you. This could be anything from Capsules, to petite tips, to how to look taller, to better ways to use your closet year round.
So for today’s style solution I’m starting with a super simple tip for how to keep wearing your beloved cropped jeans from summer all year long. In the colder months wear them with a pair of heeled sock booties!
You know I am all about getting the most use out of the pieces in your closet, and it always kills be that I have to put away some of my favorite jeans and pants during the winter because this time of year the last thing I want is freezing ankles. The sock bootie trend really took off in the last year, and I was on the fence about it until I tried it with some of my favorite cropped pants! Hallelujah! I can now wear my favorite Levis year round, and (bonus) I think pairing these two together actually kind of make you look taller. (I’m always about that!)
So there you go! A super simple style solution that will help you use more of your closet for more of the year! Also, side-note, this bootie style also looks fantastic with dresses and skirts. Lots of ways to wear them. Here are a few more great options for you!
ps. this top is new to my shop and I am in love with it!

Love all your outfits!! Especially love it when you style them several ways. Would really like to see you style the black sweater dress from jcrew several ways. I purchased it when you mentioned it was on sale on instragram. Love it.