Pants. plaid shirt. (keeps selling out, here’s a great alternative. more great Madewell pieces.) sweater vest. shoes.(more great mules and slides.) similar bag. (more great crossbody bags) hat. (more great hats.)
Do you know when there’s something you know you need to get done, and it really shouldn’t take that long, but you just keep putting it off for weeks, and then when you finally do it, you’re like, ” oh that wasn’t even that hard.” That was me with these pants. Hemming them, that is. They were just a bit too long and I’ve needed to alter them up a bit since I bought them IN SEPTEMBER, but life is busy and way leads on to way and all that and I just kept putting it off till “tomorrow,” until I finally sat down and did it this weekend. And you know what, I don’t know what I was dreading, hemming pants is a piece of cake for me, and I actually like the motion of sewing, even if it had been a minute since I last pulled my machine out.
And I am so glad that I finally got around to hemming these, because these pants are actually quite magnificent, and it would have been a real tragedy to deprive my fall wardrobe of a great pair of pumpkin spice cropped wide-leg pants. You know how I adore this pumpkin color.
This got me thinking about deeper things in life…
About all the things we know we should be doing in life, or just things we feel called to do, that we put off for one reason or another. Either we suspect it will be unpleasant or hard or we’re not sure how to get started. Maybe we’re insecure that we’ll fail, or make a fool of ourselves. Maybe we don’t have the confidence that we’ll follow it through. For whatever reason we don’t get started.
The irony is, it’s almost always the case that once you do get going it’s not as bad as you dreaded it would be, it might be harder than you thought, but acting on those impulses to do something more with your life actually feels amazing. And as is almost always the case, when I finally get up and do the thing I’ve been avoiding, I am so glad I did. Typically, my only regret is simply that I didn’t start sooner. Whether it’s starting a business, calling a friend, creating something or simply hemming a pair of pants.
So today, consider this your summons to get up and do that thing you feel called to do, that you might be avoiding because it scares you, or because you’re not quite sure how to do it, or where to start. Just start moving and doing. I promise you’ll be glad you did. It’s the last quarter of the year, but this one can be the biggest, most magical one. Don’t wait for the New Year for a fresh start. Get up and do it today.
I’ve been working on something new myself, it’s the start of a new journey and while it scares me a little, I’m incredibly excited about what the future holds. I can’t wait to share more with you!
Happy Monday everyone!
And ps. I really am so glad I went ahead and hemmed these pants, they really are such great pants. ;-)

Great outfit! Excited to hear about your new venture;)
Love that you ended up getting these wide-leg pants and I can’t wait to hear more about your new journey!
What inseam did you hem this too? I’m the same height as you and wide leg crops scare me!
Love the way you styled these pants!
Love the look on you! Maybe its my body shape, but every time I wear cropped pants I look like I should be in a “Come on Irene” video. I’m 5’2 and I think I just end up looking shorter. It’s a bummer lol
Love this outfit! And love this message. I am often crippled by fear and have missed out on doing so many of the things I wish I would have done.