Similar Jeans. Chambray shirt. Sweater Vest. Leopard Coat. (also similar here and here.) Booties. Bag. Sunglasses.
Would you like to know something funny? I wouldn’t wear heels until I was in my mid-twenties. True story. I felt ridiculous in them. Like people would think I was “trying to look tall,” or something. Like I was in denial about being short. As silly as that sounds I felt conspicuous.
I’ve obviously overcome that insecurity, but being bold is still something that doesn’t always come easily to me. Ironically, I think that boldness comes naturally to me, but being short has also sort of trained me to feel diminutive and insignificant, easily over-looked. (Literally.) And those feelings cause me to hold back when I should go for it. I don’t know why physicality plays such part in the development of your personality, but it does.
Boldness has been on my mind a lot this month. I have some big goals this year, and I’ve been thinking how all the greatest successes in my life have followed bold moments and profound bravery.
When we are compelled to try something scary, it is our soul reaching for something bigger and greater than we currently are. So if you feel compelled to do something, you must do it. Fortune favors the bold. So go for it. Whether it’s stepping out in a leopard coat, or applying for that job you know you can do even if you may not be “qualified” for it, or starting a new business, or talking to someone you’d like to meet, whatever it is… Follow your fears, and be bold. Amazing things happen.
Happy Monday, everyone. Now go slay. ;-)
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” -Eleanor Roosevelt.
Similar Jeans. Chambray shirt. Sweater Vest. Leopard Coat. (also similar here and here.) Booties. Bag. Sunglasses.

Hey Cori,
This is totally off subject but I was wondering if you had an update on your microblading experience.
I love that you went bold in this post and that leopard coat was a great call! SO cute! I also love the messaging in this post. ‘Go For it’ – definitely a great motto!
I love that jacket on you! You totally rocked it!
Did you wear flats on your wedding day?