Oversized Turtleneck Sweater. Jeans. Booties. Bag. Sunglasses. Watch: Mon Amie (c/o).
You know how everyone is always saying that they hate Monday? Well, I don’t. I love it. It wasn’t always like this for me, though, and today I’m going to share why.
A few years ago I was talking to my older sister about life and she told me she loves Mondays. She’s a school teacher and on the weekend life was loose and unstructured, but come Monday morning everything jumped back into the routine and she felt productive and ready to slay the week. Monday was her power day. I thought about that conversation for like 5 days straight after that. I’d been dragging myself through Mondays for years, they gave me anxiety Sunday night and made me miserable until Wednesday.
But after I talked to her, my paradigm shifted and I started thinking about Monday in a whole different way like it was this new chance for a fresh start, a reset. I decided to make Monday my power day too. And it’s been that way ever since.
Now I wake up on Monday mornings and I feel excited. It’s a new week and a fresh start. No matter how much I might have blown it last week, this week is a new chance to get it right. So, if you find yourself with a constant case of the Mondays every week, try thinking about it in a different way. Try thinking that Monday is the best day, I promise it changes everything…
I’ll leave the last word with one of my favorites, Ralph Waldo Emerson (this is a quote to live by, especially if you are like me and struggle with anxiety).
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety. Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in. Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This new day is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on the yesterdays.”
Speaking of Monday, today is Green Monday (did you know that’s a thing?). We’re getting close on the whole “last day to ship for Christmas” deadlines, and to honor that little panic attack a whole bunch of stores are enticing you to finish up quick by offering some killer sales. I’ve listed a bunch of them below. (You’re welcome.) (JK ;-)
Ann Taylor//40% off everything, 60% off sale styles. use code: VERYMERRY
Abercrombie//A whole bunch of deals on coats, fragrances, and sweatshirts.
American Eagle//All tops starting at $15 and 50% off the holiday collection.
Anthropologie//30% off kitchen and dining.
Banana Republic//40% off your entire purchase. use code: BRMONDAY (plus an extra 10% off with code: STYLE)
H&M//extra 25% off sale item of choice.
J.Crew//40% off your entire order and free shipping. use code: NICELIST
J.Crew Factory//50% off everything plus an extra 20% off with code: ICING
Madewell//up to 30% off depending on how much you spend.
Oversized Turtleneck Sweater. Jeans. Booties. Bag. Sunglasses. Watch: Mon Amie (c/o).

Thanks for that quote! Such beautiful words that I needed to hear today.
Love this concept and your openness with your struggle about anxiety! Very fitting for me!
Inspiring post. My oldest had a bad case of the Mondays today, and I love the idea of making it the power day. Great quote too!
That brown leather bag is perfection!
Please wich colour is your nail polish?
it’s called “you don’t know jaques” by opi.