Sweater. Jeans. (similar.) Leopard heels. Kate Spade Bag. Sunglasses. Necklace. Circle Ring.
First of all, I want to thank you all so much for your kind, kind words about the news I shared yesterday. If I was apprehensive, I would feel so much better, but since I was already so happy about it, now I’m just elated.
And I’m so excited to find I have so many readers from New England! Yay! I’m going to need all your recommendations! The best towns to visit, where to ski, your favorite restaurants, the best beaches for the summer, your favorite day trip, let me have it! Any/all insider information is very wanted and welcome. I cannot wait to dig in and explore the area.
I am also, definitely going to do a round-up of all my favorite things to do in Seattle before we leave, because there are so many fun things to do here…
Last week was so cold here in the Pacific Northwest. I mean, relatively so. Our families got like 2 feet of snow in Utah and Idaho so–I know–“perspective,” but it was cold! It was also one of those weeks where I could not figure out what to wear, and everything I put on looked horrible. Mostly because by this point in January (meaning that icky week right after Christmas break), I’m like so uncreative with my closet. I feel like everyday I go stand in front of all my shirts and pants (and there are plenty of them, trust me) but I’m still like, “I’ve got nothing.” No outfit materializes. Please tell me I’m not the only one who has bouts with this.
Whenever I have a day/week like this, I remember why I started this blog. To help me dress better. Because when I am confident in what I’m wearing I feel better and my whole day goes better…
So, ruffle sweaters are a thing right now, have you noticed? I kind of love it. (And by kind of, I mean, a lot.) I feel like the ruffles are a nice update on the sweater, and also a great piece to transition into spring. (And get us out of those gloomy winter outfit ruts.) Ruffles totally say spring to me. Plus they’re just so girly. I love pairing my really feminine pieces with my more edgy pieces (like a pair of ripped jeans or my ray bans) I feel like it keeps the look from getting too precious. Maybe that’s not a huge concern for all women, but when you’re only 4’11” that’s definitely something to consider. I try to avoid looking like a ten-year-old girl as much as possible, even though most ten-year-olds are taller than me.
And you should probably know that my feet were absolutely freezing on this date, but you know… anything to look cute for my husband. ;-)
(When will I learn to wear appropriate shoes?)
I rounded up a bunch of pretty ruffle sweaters below, and seriously the ones from ASOS are too-die for and such great prices. I hope you enjoy!

Love this casual look!
I’m with you, ruffles are such a fun, girly piece to wear. And it’s even better when paired with leopard, another girly piece.
I have the best list of NYC day trips with kids! Welcome to New England!
My favorite beaches are Rhode Island beaches. Pm me where you are in CT and I can send you my favorite everything recs.
I love your style and I’m 4’9″ so I totally relate to the looking too precious thing!
I can’t wait for you to share your favorite things to do in Seattle! My husband and I love it there and are always open to suggestions when we visit!