Sweater. (on major sale!) Shirt. Jeans. Boots. Bag. Sunglasses. Necklace.
First of all, I want to thank you all so much for all your kind words and birthday wishes on Friday’s post. I had such a lovely 34th birthday.
So I have some exciting news to share with you today…
We are moving!
This has been in the works for a little while and I’m so excited that I can now finally share it with you; we are leaving Seattle and moving to New England.
Craig and I have had a dream, pretty much since we got married, that we’d like to raise our kids on our own little farm. (Well, truthfully it’s been my dream since I was a kid myself.) You know, a house in the country with chickens and horses… That’s the way Craig grew up, and every time we visit his family, it reinforces how much that is just the life for us.
We’ve moved a lot since we got married, (I’ve actually stopped counting how many times) following Craig’s career from different opportunities and different projects and promotions around the western half of the United States. I thought for a long time that we would settle in Seattle. In fact, when we moved back here 2.5 years ago, that was the plan. We rented a pretty house and started looking for “the place.” The one we’d settle down and finish raising our kids in.
But the truth is, no matter how much we looked, nothing ever seemed to fit. There was never an area that felt right for us.
Seattle is a very expensive place to live, and there’s not a lot of open land here, or places we could have the set-up we were looking for.
We knew if we stayed it would mean letting go of some of the things we really wanted, and there were so many times I thought it would be fine if we did. But nothing ever fit. So we kept renting and praying about what the answer was for our family.
Fast forward to last summer, and as we were discussing Craig’s next career step we floated the idea of looking outside his current company, and maybe even outside of the area. We put some feelers out there and this fall he got calls from two different companies in Connecticut. I flew out with him when he interviewed and we both fell in love with the area.
Just the quintessential New England countryside; rolling hills and little colonial farmhouses as far as the eye could see. I was in heaven.
A week after we got home, he was offered both jobs. One of them was “the one.” You know, the dream job.
We’ve had to work extremely hard for every opportunity we’ve gotten since we got married. My husband was the first in his family to graduate from college, he spent months and months working to get an internship when we were in college, and every job and promotion since then has been the result of a long, long struggle and a whole lot of blood, sweat and tears.
So, I’m not saying this lightly when I say that this job literally fell into his lap. It was like God was saying to us, “here you go, everything you’ve ever wanted.”
We prayed about it, and decided that this was the right thing for our family.
Right before Christmas, Craig and I flew out to Connecticut for a house hunting trip. I was fairly certain we weren’t going to find what we were looking for right away, that we might have to rent for a few months until just the right house came on the market. But the last house we walked through on our first day was “the one.” (I still get chills thinking about it.)
It’s a pretty white New England saltbox built in 1790, on acreage with a big red barn. It’s just what we’ve been dreaming of. They accepted our offer without any counter and we were under contract right in time for Christmas. Our realtor even cried when she told us. (I was crying too.) A farm for Christmas.
Again, it felt kind of like God was saying: “here you go, everything you’ve ever wanted.”
So, long story even longer… we are leaving Seattle for the East coast at the end of January, and moving onto our little farm in the Connecticut countryside.
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while you know that I love Seattle. I love it here so much that the thought of leaving makes me super emotional. I love the area, the landscape, the beautiful city, the Puget sound, all my dear friends. I hate leaving any of it.
And if this move didn’t feel so right, if everything didn’t fall into place in that completely-meant-to-be kind of way, I don’t think I would be able to. I’m learning that most decisions in life are at least a little bitter sweet.
I’m sad to leave the PNW, but I am so excited about the sweet to come.
And just in case you are wondering how the kids feel about the move, they are thrilled. In their own words, “Yes! We can finally get a horse!”
Since it snows in Connecticut I’ve already started hunting down more warm clothes. (Any excuse to shop, right?)
Abercrombie has the best sweaters this season and they’re all on sale right now, so naturally I’ve been stocking up in preparation for our move to an {even} older climate.
I’ve rounded up some of my favorites here:

Wonderful news for you guys, congrats! I hope the move goes well!
WOW that IS big news!!!! I just started reading your blog regularly, and I am so excited to follow your adventures in New England. I live in PA, but I went to college in New England and I have family in Maine that we visit often. A pretty little farmhouse in CT sounds idyllic!!! Happy for you!
Love this casual, everyday look!
This post gives me hope. My husband and I are in a similar situation in regards to moving for the “right job” and waiting for inspiration as to what direction that will take us. Either option would be a big change for us, too, and it’s so inspiring to hear about you taking that plunge and everything seeming to fall into place for you. I can only hope to be so lucky as my husband and I pray and wait for answers.
Welcome to the East Coast, you’re gonna love it! (I live in Pennsylvania near Philadephia)
Wonderful news, and welcome to the East Coast!
Your news is so exciting!! Congratulations and welcome to the east coast!! I’ve lived in North Jersey my whole life and I hope your family is happy in the beautiful state of Connecticut!!
Welcome to CT!!!! Yes shop for VERY warm clothes:) and a GOOD coat!
Congratulations! I live on the shoreline of CT, it’s wonderful! Welcome.
So, so happy for you guys!!! But, I will admit, as I read this, I have tears in my eyes. Both sad and happy tears. Mostly, sad. Your family means the world to me! Love you all! Congrats on all your wildest dreams coming true, finally!!! ❤
This is so exiting, Cori!! ❤ congratulations! You are PERFECT for New England. I can’t wait to see all the photos! Xoxo
Congrats!! We live on a farm in Northern California and it’s the greatest place to raise our children. We have cows, horses and lots of space. My kids really get to be kids! I love reading your blog and can’t wait for your next big adventure!
Congrats! Fellow Seattle resident here, and I totally get what you’re saying about not finding the right place. My husband and I often wonder where we’ll go when we outgrow our condo. I’m glad you found the right place for your family. Best of luck!
Welcome to New England! I have lived in MA (right near the RI border) it is one of the most idyllic areas of the country with 4 seasons, you’re always a short drive from the mountains and the sea and Boston and NYC are a hop skip and a jump away. …Enough now with my tourism guide… stock up on the LL Bean for the winter and Sperrys in the summer and welcome!
Welcome to Connecticut! I live in Darien. About an hour out of NYC. We love it here. It will take some getting used to, but your kids will help you make new kids fast.
This is such awesome news! So excited for you and your family!
Oh Cori, I am so so happy for you. That sounds positively dreamy! I know what you mean about looking for the right job and things just never feeling right and then things just clicking into place. That is always how we know we have found the right one! Sending prayers for all of you as you prepare for this adventure and can’t wait to see all the pics!!
Oh my gosh!!! I am so sad to hear one of my favorite Seattle bloggers is leaving the area and sad I won’t see you at events but I know the feeling of “meant to be”. Congrats to all of you and I am so excited to read/watch your story evolve from here. Agh!! I’m so happy for you that everything came together like this. Much love and happy thoughts.
I’ve been reading this blog for what feels like forever and I admit I think this is the first blog I started reading and have kept reading. I adore your family and love how adventurous you are. I wish you all the blessings on your move.
Thank you so much Sarah. I think that’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten. Filled my heart with so much happiness! thank you!
So crazy awesome, congrats! I’ve been following you since you moved back to AZ from Seattle and then back again! Best of luck on your next adventure. That’s so exciting. It’s just so right when God moves all the pieces together.
Thank you Andrea! You are so sweet!
How exciting! Welcome to Connecticut. My husband and I have been searching for just the piece of property you seemed to have found here. If you need any recommendations to restaurants, shopping, beauty salons, feel free to ask.
Yes definitely! Bring on all the recommendations! thank you!
I grew up in Boston and definitely miss the history and old charm that New England has to offer. And a farm with horses sounds like a dream. Congrats to you and your beautiful family!
I think that’s what I love most about it, all those beautiful charming old buildings and all the history. We were in Boston during Christmastime and oh my goodness, heaven!
Congratulations. I love when the Lord blesses you and you feel such peace in such a change. How amazing for your family. Stay warm, we in the PNW. will definitely miss you guys.
We will miss you Tareasha!
Wow! Wow!Wow! Congratulations! That is so exciting, I’m so glad you guys found something so perfect for you, and everything just clicked!
I am in the Seattle area too, and it is just so insane how expensive it is to live here. I’m not trying to be a creeper, but I think we are based out of the same town (it’s always funny to see my go to spots to shoot on the internet!), and trying to buy there is just crazy. My husband and I both grew up in the Seattle area, and even if we were to move out of state, we would want to own a house here so that we could always have a place to come back to that is close to our families. It seems more and more impossible as the years go on though. It’s like, if you didn’t buy five years ago, you basically just can’t do it.
Good luck on your move, what an exciting next chapter for you and your family!
Oh how funny! We are in the Bothell/Woodinville area right now. And yes, it’s so hard to buy here. We love it so much though. Seattle is truly so special.
I am personally VERY excited to see some more warm weather gear on here! I’ve been following you for several years, since before I got pregnant with my now 3 1/2 year old daughter, and can’t wait to see what the East Coast inspires. Welcome!
I know! I’m excited to have all the seasons now! And thanks for sticking with me so long! xoxo
Congrats!! I started following your blog this year and recently noticed your posts about East Hampton. We’ve lived in Glastonbury for 7 years now and love it here! Welcome to New England and good luck with the move.
Oh you are so close to where we are moving! Like 20 minutes I think! (although I’m still trying to figure out where everything is, I keep looking things up on my map, haha) I’m so excited to get there. You’ll have to give me the inside scoop on all the cute places to visit.
Congratulations! This sounds like an absolutely wonderful change for you and your family! You’re gonna love CT! I’ve been following your blog since you were in AZ (La Vie Petite, no?). I remember reading your posts and kind of commiserating about the Gilbert heat and desert lanscaping along with desiring the shore and greenery. The New England area will offer these along with the best of four seasons for you all! Prayers for a safe and easy move!
Oh my goodness yes! The heat was such a challenge! I am so excited to have 4 seasons, I love them all! Thank you so much for your prayers. I’m very excited/nervous.
We live in the SF Bay Area, but we’ve moved many times in our nine years of marriage (due to my husband’s job), and moves with kids in tow are definitely challenging, but I’m sure you know that and that you’ll all be just fine. :)
Okay, so seriously, one of my favorite parts of moving, like a big move to another state, has been taking the opportunity to purge the things we no longer want, need, or have simply decided we can live without (and I appreciate St. Vincent de Paul and Goodwill for taking them on). Lightening the load makes room for a creative refresh at the new location, doesn’t it? It’s one of the simplest pleasures for me in all the commotion that moving brings about!
By the by, happy belated birthday to you and a blessed 2017 to you and your family!
Wow! Great news! I’ve been following your blog for a few years now, as a fellow 4″11 gal, your styling tips have been SO helpful and spot on. I’ve worn many “Corilynn” outfits as I like to call them! I live in NY, we’re about 20 minutes from Greenwich, CT, so welcome to the Northeast! Good luck with the move and I look forward to more tips! Ps..I’ve never commented on a blog before ever…but I just had to welcome you!
Oh thank you Gigi! It’s nice to “meet” another petite! I’m so excited to be heading to the Northeast, can’t wait to get started exploring!
I’ve been a quiet reader for years, but always enjoyed your posts and style! As a fellow CT resident I am so excited for your move! Welcome to New Englandt! I can’t wait to follow your adventures! Best of luck to you! It’s a great place to be :)
Oh I’m so happy to hear it! Where are you at in the state? We’re moving to about a half hour south of Hartford. (honestly still trying to figure out the lay of the land!)
I’m about 20 minutes west of Hartford so relatively close. Not to worry, we will give you all the good recommendations! :) And you’ll figure out the lay of the land in no time! A benefit to living in a small state.
Congrats on the move! I don’t doubt that this move is emotional but I also think it is a sign that you and your family have found your home! So excited for you guys!
Thank you Rach! Definitely lots of different emotions and lots of excitement!
So excited for you- you already just have a New England vibe. I honestly think you are going to fall in even more love ❤️ with the East Coast.
thank you so much Amber! We’re pretty thrilled.
Congratulations! You will love CT! Like others who have commented, New England is such a beautiful, quaint place to live! I was born and raised in CT then moved to the south for graduate school. After I married my husband, we moved to the Seattle area for the Navy. I can honestly tell you, I have lived and been to a lot of places but there is nothing like New England! My husband is retiring in two years from the Navy and we hope to settle back in CT! Please let me know if you need any suggestions or recommendations with restaurants, must-see places to visit, etc!
Crying happy tears for you!! It’s such a huge blessing when all the hard work, dedication & sacrifice pay off in ways like this.
I’m so very happy for you and your cute family! Congrats!
It’s been a few months since the last time I checked your blog but it looks like I picked the perfect time! If you’re moving 30 min. south of Hartford then you might be in my stake – the New London Stake! (As far as figuring out the lay of the land, I’ve totally given up on that (after 4 years of living here)! Too many windy roads and trees. ha! But that’s one of the things that makes New England so charming and beautiful.) You really will love it out here. I think most people who give out good vibes get them right back. Law of the harvest. Good luck with the move and settling into your new (very old) place. :)
Could you tell me the exact jeans you have on in this post? The rag and bone ones that are tagged just don’t look the same…..length etc. thanks so much!
Hi Jules. These are actually the exact same jeans. They look a lot higher on the girl in the picture (probably because I’m petite) so the distressing hits a little different as well but they are seriously the best jeans ever.