Shirt: Madewell. c/o Jeans: Madewell. Bag: Tory Burch. Shoes: Target. Sunglasses: Kate Spade. Necklace: Madewell. c/o
Yesterday I took my kids over to Queen Anne to grab some ice cream at Molly Moon’s and then check out the Q.A. branch of the Seattle library. I’d heard it was a beautiful old building (like everything else in Queen Anne) and my kids love visiting libraries. (Yes! I’m doing something right as a mother!)
And it was such a lovely brick building, just around the corner from the ice cream shop (convenient) and built in 1913. (A fact which astounded Hannah.) I love old buildings. Mark my words, someday I’m going to buy a several hundred year old farmhouse and bring her back to life again, because those old buildings with their classic architecture and their history, they just get me, right down in the core.
The streets are so pretty and tree lined, and all the houses surrounding the library are just as old and lovely. The kids and I had a ball just reading the afternoon away in the quiet library and enjoying the sunny afternoon outside.
On days when I venture into the city with all four kids, it’s all about the momiform. Good skinny jeans, comfy flats (I’m obsessed with lace-up flats right now) a great top, and a bag that fits my entire world in it, basically. My love for Madewell denim runs deep, seriously deep and I live in my skinnies this time of year. (When all my kids are out of school and venturing into the city means I’m probably going to be sweaty faced and my hair a little worse for the wear by the end of the day.) But back to the jeans. What I love about Madewell’s jeans (or magic denim as I like to call it) is that you can wear them like a gazillion times and they never stretch out. They also are nice and fitted but somehow simultaneously comfortable. I don’t know how they pull it all off, but like I said. Magic.
And Madewell just released their first line of Maternity jeans. They sent me a pair to check out and see what I thought, and you guys they are so good it almost makes me want to have another baby, just to wear them. They’re really great jeans.
Anyway, check them out if you’re pregnant and looking for a good pair, or shoot this post over to a pregnant friend, because when women find good denim… they share it.
Happiest Tuesday to you!
more Madewell faves:

Loving this casual, everyday look.
It’s perfect for running around town with kids! ;-)
You look so pretty! Hope you have a lovely day <3
Edye |