Trench: Loft. Shirt: Banana Republic. (on sale!) Sweater: JCrew. (on sale!) Shoes: BCBG. (similar here and here.) Jeans: Zara. (similar here and here.) Bag: Michael Kors. (old. similar here and here.)
February is such a weird month, don’t you think? It’s still winter, outside (although in Seattle it likes to dance between winter and spring and just raining all the time, which let’s face it, is like half the year) but in your head, it’s spring. I’m thinking about spring, feeling spring and shopping for spring. Is this what spring fever is?? I either need the trees to start blooming or I need another trip to the snow, because this in-between in killing me.
I’ve been wanting to add a classic trench coat to my closet forever and last week, I finally did. It’s such a wardrobe staple I’d be surprised it took me this long except finding a trench coat that’s also petite friendly turned out to be tricky and this is one wardrobe workhorse that I wanted to fit properly and not fudge. I was browsing Loft’s early spring arrivals and I almost jumped out of my chair when I saw that they had a gorgeous tan trench in their lineup and that it also came in petites. Loft petites are the bomb-diggity. The proportions are all scaled down so well and they really cater to the more petite side of the petite community.
It’s like they made clothes to actually fit really petite girls, go figure.
This sounds like a no-brainer, but you wouldn’t believe how hard it is, and how many things you have to work around when you’re petite… I’m guessing this probably also applies to the tall ladies out there too?
Anyway, I’ve found over the years, a few brands who’s petite lines are really great. I still usually have to have my pants hemmed, and occasionally roll or tuck just so to make things work, but these places get a lot closer.
Loft. Has to be #1 because it was the first I ever found that really worked for me, the fit is still my favorite, and they offer so many styles (especially online) in petites.
J.Crew. Love their petites, especially their #2 pencil skirts and coats. So good.
Banana Republic. Their petite fit is really good and their line this spring in preppy on point. I just picked up this shirt I’m wearing here and it’s a new favorite as well.
J.Crew Factory. same as above, but a better price point.
Ann Taylor has a great fit in petites, although I don’t shop their often because I’m not as career dress oriented with my wardrobe.
Paige denim has a really great petite line.
Hudson too. I own jeans in both and love them both.
Where’s your favorite place to shop for your fit?
And taller girls out there, let us know where you find pieces to fit you.

Such a beautiful and chic look!
Kisses from ❤
Great ensemble! Love the layering!
I’m 4’11’ – I shop almost exclusively at Land’s End (I rarely have to hem any pants I buy there. They have 26′ inseams and up) and the Loft. I did buy my trench at Ann Taylor though. I’ve had it for 16 years.
oh I’ve never tried Land’s End! I’ll have to try them out! I love those pieces that last and last…
Indeed! Love your trench<3
Shall We Sasa
Love this outfit! So fab!
Unique Geek
I bought my trench at Banana Republic, and I love it. I shop a lot at Loft for pants, because the hem fits me perfect. I’m usually a 31 inch inseam. with heels. I love Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, and J crew for fit as well. Gap pants also fit me really well.
I love this outfit, and you’re right a trench is a perfect addition to any wardrobe and it’s timeless!