Scarf: Forever21 (this one and this one would also work great) T-shirt: Target. Jeans: Hudson. Boots: Nordstrom. Bag: Forever21. (love this one.) Belt: Loft.
Happy Monday everyone! I have a super simple wardrobe hack for you today. Do you love the idea of these plaid ponchos you’ve been seeing everywhere, but are not quite ready to commit to one? No worries. Take one of your oversized plaid blanket scarves (because we all have at least a couple in our closets by now) and wear it as a poncho.
To do it, simply find the middle of your scarf and line it up with your back. Drape then ends over each shoulder, then belt at your natural waist. Once belted, position the scarf ends so they lay nicely around your body especially at the hips and make sure you’ve left enough slack to move your arms. Voila!
This was such a cozy outfit and I loved pairing it with my new saddle bag. I’m not usually a huge fan of 70’s inspired looks, but this one was so cozy it felt like a hug. And in the fall, I like all the hugs I can get. Especially from my clothes… ;-)
favorite oversized scarves:

Cute! Love your scarf<3
Shall We Sasa
Love the outfit! Did you have to hem the jeans? Are they petites?
No I didn’t! They are petites so as long as I wear heels, they fit nicely!
Love the idea of turning an over-sized scarf into a poncho! I’m interested to see how it looks from the back and how you got the “sleeves” to appear rolled up.
xo – Michelle
I sort of wrap the front ends around my hips and because it’s such a big scarf they wrap all the way around to the back and the part wrapped around my shoulders lays against my back and so they almost look connected. Does that make sense? Sorry, I know it’s confusing! I should have had my husband snap a pic of the back!
I second what Michelle is saying. I’m a lil’ confused, but I love the look. The colors are so good on you, too.
This is such a neat little fashion hack! I love the way it turned out. :)
Unique Geek
thanks Jessica!