Of all the things I wear, neck scarves are one of them that seems to elicit strong opinions. People either love them, or think they look like something right out of a western or like I’m applying for a job as a flight attendant. And I get it, not every style or accessory is for every person. So if you fall into the later category, feel free to bypass this post. If you, like me, however, love a good kerchief about the neck, read on, because I’m sharing my simple, foolproof way to tie a neck scarf.
Step one: lay the scarf out on a flat surface, turned corners up. Fold the top and bottom corners into the middle, just slightly overlapping.
Step 2: Fold onto the folded sections, towards the center, and meet in the middle again.
Step 3: Lift the bottom folded piece and fold it one more time, in top of the top folded piece. (See below).
Step 4: grab the ends of the scarf and twist opposite directions until its a nice tight twist.
Step 5: take the twisted scarf, and maintaining the twist, wrap it around your neck then tie it off with a double knot, making sure one end is slightly longer than the other end. Do not pull the knot too tight. Adjust the ends until they look and lay right, and voilà!
There you go! A chic and easy accessory for the spring and summer months! See my favorite neck scarves below!
Favorite neck scarves: