After sharing that I take HEMP/CBD oil to help naturally combat my anxiety over on instagram a couple weeks ago, I had dozens and dozens of you reach out, asking questions and sharing your personal experiences with anxiety. I thought it would be helpful to answer those questions and share my personal experience with anxiety and CBD oil here in a permanent spot so it is easy to refer back to. I hope that you find this helpful and that it aids you in deciding whether HEMP/CBD is a good option for you to try if you too struggle with anxiety. It’s not easy for me to share personal or vulnerable things like this, but I hope that by doing so I’m able to help someone so they don’t have to struggle as long or hard as I did.
My journey with anxiety.
I’ve struggle with varying degrees of anxiety most of my life. There were years where it went dormant, where life felt easy and light. And then there were years where it was so bad and soul crushing, just getting out of bed took a Herculean effort.
I used to think that my anxiety needed to be kept a secret. I don’t know why, but I felt like it was something I should be ashamed of, something I should hide, something unique to me.
Then 6 years ago, I wrote this post on my birthday, and for the first time publicly shared how badly I struggled with anxiety. It felt vulnerable at the time, but it resonated with so many people. And I realized how much I wasn’t alone in my struggle with anxiety. And how many of us are searching for solutions to treat it.
Since then I’ve been on and off anti-anxiety meds (spoiler-alert, none of them worked for me), because as I discovered last year, I have Graves’ disease, and one of the number one symptoms of Graves? You guessed it, anxiety.
Since starting my anti-thyroid meds, and treating my Graves’ disease, my anxiety has improved a great deal, but I still struggle with it. Which is why, last year, I started looking for natural ways to treat my anxiety. I’ve learned so much about how I can treat and heal my body and my auto-immune disease by using a combination of medicine, exercise, healthy eating and the right supplements. Which led me to HEMP/CBD oil.

What is HEMP/CBD oil?
Hemp/Cannabidiol (CBD) is an oil derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike marijuana, CBD oil does not contain any THC so it won’t get you high, or show up on a drug test. CBD, is not psychoactive. It doesn’t change a person’s state of mind when they use it. However, it may produce significant changes in the body, and can provide significant medical benefits in everything from inflammation to chronic pain, allergies and anxiety.
How Hemp/CBD oil helps with anxiety.
The human body contains a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is involved in regulating a variety of functions. This system produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system, regulating a variety of functions including sleep, appetite, pain and immune system response. CBD acts on the brain’s receptors for serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and social behavior.
Many researchers believe CBD works by preventing endocannabinoids from being broken down. This allows them to have more of an effect on your body.
While there’s still a lot of research and study to be done into the benefits of CBD, experts suggest that CBD can help with pain, nausea, mood disorders and other symptoms associated with multiple conditions, including anxiety.
The Hemp/CBD oil I use and why I chose it.
I’ve tried multiple CBD oils, but one thing I realized pretty early on was that the quality was extremely important and that a full spectrum Hemp/CBD oil was going to be a lot more effective for me. This is why I went with Q Sciences’, full spectrum HEMP/CBD oil.
Q Sciences’ full spectrum HEMP/CBD oil is hands down the best one I’ve tried and has been so effective treating my anxiety. They have a whole full spectrum hemp line, and the BIOSYNQ technology provides for the best absorption, instant onset, and maximum benefit. I can feel the difference and it has helped me so much with my anxiety.
I am truly so grateful to have discovered CBD oil, it has helped me manage my anxiety so well, and naturally. Because I am already on anti-thyroid medication, I am grateful that I can take something natural to manage my anxiety. If you want to give this HEMP/CBD oil a try, I highly recommend signing up as a preferred customer (costs $10) because you get wholesale pricing. I have my CBD on autoship so I make sure I don’t forget to reorder!

Business opportunity in CBD/Hemp
I have recently become an ambassador with Q Sciences, because it’s a company and a line of products that I not only believe in and love, but that I know will help so many people, and I am so excited to get the word out about it. I don’t want anyone having to suffer from anxiety when there are amazing NATURAL ways to combat it!
CBD is a burgeoning industry and this is such an amazing time to join. If you are interested in learning more about the business side of these products, want to make a little (or a lot) of side income for your family, add an additional stream of income, or just cover the costs of your CBD products, you can click here and I will be happy to email you some additional information about Q Sciences, including their product offering and this massive opportunity to build wealth for your family.