holiday gift guide 2019: for the tween/teen boy

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Hey guys, I am super excited to share this gift guide for the tween/teen boy with you today.  Everything was hand-picked by my tween/teen boys and this stuff is good!

1.Hammock: This packable hammock is perfect for camping, my boys love this because they can tie the hammock up in a tree wherever they are.

2. Dartboard: We have this dartboard and the boys have lots of fun playing with it.

3. GoPro: This is a great gift to inspire the creative side of a very active kid.

4. 3D Puzzle Kit: If your son is into STEM this is a great gift to get his gears turning.

5. Basketball: You can never go wrong with a classic basketball.

6. Scooter: Carter got this scooter last year and it was a big hit, everyone is constantly “borrowing” it form him (including Mom and Dad).

7. Echo Dot: We have these all over our house, our kids love them because they can listen to music and I love them because I can sync them and tell them to come down for dinner without hollering up the stairs.

8. Puzzle Box Brainteaser: This is another one for your STEM kid, to open this box he has to solve the puzzle and then he can store money or change in a hidden compartment inside.

9. STEM Constructions: This kit can help him build different types of bridges and buildings.

10. Survival kit: If your son loves being outdoors and exploring he’ll love this survival kit, it has everything he needs and more.

11. Longboard: Ethan’s been begging for a longboard ever since he rode on his Dad’s and I’m here for any gift that gets my kids moving.

12.Flannel Shirt: My boys love these cozy flannels from Old Navy and they are great for staying warm outdoors.

13. Laser tag set: Carter has been begging for one of these, they are so fun and such a great way to get the boys energy out.

14. Smartwatch: Get your kids moving with this cool touchscreen smartwatch.

15. Hoverboard: This is another gift that Carter really wants to get, they are super fun and this one even comes with a built-in bluetooth speaker and lights.

16. RC Car: Everyone loves a good classic RC car.  There’s a reason why these are a classic. ;-)

17.Gravity Maze: Ethan personally picked this out and it looks dang fun and challenging enough to hold their interest for a while.

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  1. Andrea wrote:

    Thanks for such great recommendations for boys! As a mom of 3 boys it can be challenging to find new and creative gifts for my 8-15 year olds! Love the STEM toys especially!

    Posted 11.30.19 Reply