You guys, I am so excited to announce that today my brand new program: The Intentional Closet is available.
Can I tell you a story? Ten years ago, I was a stay-at-home mom and I was stuck in a major funk. I had no sense of style and no idea how to dress my body. I had big life goals, but I had no idea how to begin to execute them.
I was also chronically, wildly insecure.
I had a closet full of clothes, but never felt like I had anything to wear. So I made a change. I came up with an idea, a process for myself that would help me change my life. It started with a simple closet clean out then snowballed into a total transformation to the way I got dressed. And the effects were mindblowing.
I went from an insecure style-stunted girl to a confident and happy mom of 4, clothing designer, stylist, and entreprenuer. And literally every single intention I set for myself 10 years ago, from starting a business, to traveling Europe with my family, to buying a historic farm in New England (yes that specific) has come to pass. And it all started with this program.
Today we are launching my brand new Intentional Closet video course. During this launch month it will be available at a huge discount.
You guys, I am so passionate about getting this course out to you, because I know it can do amazing things for your life!
How do I know that? Because it did the same for mine.
So let me share a little more about the course:
After creating a written course earlier this year, I had an overwhelming amount of requests for me to create a video course where I both dive deeper, and hold your hand to walk you through the whole process, step-by-step. I’ve expanded each part of the process and am really delving deep into each section to make the whole program completely transformational for you and your life.
Here’s what the course is designed to do for you:
#1: It’s going to help you feel really good in your own skin every single day. This is your one magnificent life, and you deserve to feel good, and confident and enough every day you are living it. It may sound simple, but getting dressed with intention really does help unlock confidence you never knew you had and opens the door for possiblities you never imagined. This course will teach you how.
#2: It’s going to save you A LOT of time. Time is the one commodity we can’t get more of. And when it’s gone, we can’t get it back. This course is designed to save you time by teaching you how to build a wardrobe and organize your closet in a way where you have everything you need and can get to it quick and effortlessly while still looking and feeling your best everyday.
#3: It’s going to save you A LOT of money. Did you know the average woman spends between $150-$400 a month on clothes? That’s anywhere from $1800-$4800 a year… Let’s think about how much of that money is spent on clothes that were bought impulsively that we wear once and then forget about. Are you starting to do the math? It’s adding up. In this course you will learn how to shop deliberately and build an intentional wardrobe. I give you the tricks and tools you need to curb impulse shopping and make smart choices that serve you and your closet. You will literally save hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year while still having everything you want and need out of your wardrobe.
Here’s what you are going to get with the course:
You will get my completely four step program including:
Instant access to all course videos. In these seven videos, I will walk you through the program step-by-step. You get lifetime access and can watch and rewatch them anytime, anywhere at your own pace.
Downloadable files including: a mindset visualization worksheet, body type cheat sheet, a style defining worksheet, a capsule planner worksheet, and capsule list example.
If you are ready to transform your closet and your life, click here to enroll.

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