just peachy tee. similar wide leg cropped jeans. espadrille sneakers (c/o J.Crew.) my all-time favorite summer hat. straw bag.
I haven’t done one of these in quite awhile, so I thought I would give you guys a little life update here today. I know I’ve been a little sporadic with my posting as of late (sorry about that!) but it’s mostly because I have so many fun things in the works that I will be sharing with you so soon!
I naively thought that when all my kids were in school I would have so much extra time (haha) but I find myself busier than I have ever been. I’m not a person who likes to glorify busy, but the work I have now is so wonderful and fulfilling and fun, I don’t mind that I’ve got more on my plate than I ever have. I’m also in a wildly fulfilling stage of motherhood. It’s not an easy stage, having 2 teenagers, an almost 12 year old and a kindergartener. There’s lots of mental energy needed, and I often feel like 3 different people are trying to have conversations with me at once, but I love seeing how my kids are growing into these truly awesome human beings. They are turning out so, so good you guys and it’s deeply fulfilling. I know now, that I am actually a really freaking good mom, and it’s so good to know that. I spent way too many years feeling like a not great mom, and it’s so nice when you realize, that after all, you were doing a pretty great job.
That’s not to say we never have our moments. Ava threw the worst temper tantrum of her life this morning before school and got on the bus without eating breakfast (her choice). But it’s funny though, the peace that’s come to me in my motherhood, these kinds of things hardly even phase me anymore.
Around the farm things are so good as well. We are planting our garden (finally) this weekend, since the weather has (finally) stopped being disgusting. I started a bunch of plants early this spring and they looked so good, until I took them outside to get them “ready” to plant. Now they all look terrible. (What am I doing wrong??) It’s my first year ever really trying a garden, so I’m just going to do my best, follow all the instructions and give myself grace. I hope it turns out that I am good at growing things because I love it so much.
Craig built me a potting table out of reclaimed wood we found in the barn (you can see it behind me in a couple of these pictures) and I love it so much. Give me all the old things! He also hung a swing from my favorite tree in on our property, right next to the chicken coop. It’s as dreamy as it sounds. Everyday I look up and pinch myself, is this my life. Then I remember we only have 1 bathroom right now because #renovations on a 230 year old house take F-O-R-E-V-E-R and it brings me right back to earth. Speaking of bathrooms, we are finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel on our bathroom renovation, and all I can say is, all 6 of us are very excited to have a second toilet again. ;-)
I went to Brimfield Antique flea market with my friends this week. Holy Moly. I was in heaven. Its the biggest or oldest, flea market in the country, or something like that, but wow it lived up to the hype. I was like a kid in a candy shop. I brought home an antique wood table, and old cubby from a copper mill, these theater seats I’m sitting on and a bunch of other little goodies. It happens in July and September and you bet your bottom I’ll be back there again. Antiques are my love language.
The shop has been a little quiet this spring, mostly because we are working on some seriously fun stuff for the summer and a huge launch that will (hopefully) be ready in the next couple weeks. I cannot wait to show you what we have in store! (no pun intended). In the meantime, we’ve got some super cute spring/summer tops including this just peachy tee that just dropped in this morning. If you want to be kept in the loop on our new arrivals, make sure you pop over and sign up for our newsletter. We’ll let you know first when new items come in!
Also, my older sister got engaged last week! They are planning to get married this summer (I know, quick!) Which means I have summer wedding guest dresses on my mind!

I can’t wait to hear what you have been up to especially with the shop! No need to apologize. Just keep doing you girl!
That’s a really cute t-shirt. I’m glad you’re enjoying life right now, I really need that inspiration and see someone do what they love. And congrats to your sister!
Hi Cori, plants should be placed outside for about 7 hours a day to help them get used to the elements, then bringing them back inside until the weather is warmer.
I do a lot of gardening, and this is the practice of hardening off plants. The process takes about a week, but I baby my plants, so i do it for two weeks.
Hope this helps. :)
thank you so much for the tip! I am definitely learning as I go!