holiday 2018: gift guide for the teen girl

Scarf. Echo Dot. Puffer Coat. Book. Mittens. Pom BeanieOveralls. Plaid Dress. Speaker. Planner. Bow Hair Tie. Sweater. Lace Dress. Bath Bomb. Lipgloss.

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Okay you guys, I have a special treat for you.  So many of you have been asking for gift guides for teens and today I asked Hannah to help me put together a great one for your teen girl (or niece, granddaughter, cousin, etc. etc.). Each of these items were hand-picked by Hannah (my 14-year-old) and we all know she has great taste!  Also, bonus, Hannah took over below and she’s telling you just why she loves each of these pieces!


Under $25

Scarf. This scarf is so pretty and cozy and I would definitely wear it all the time. I would love to have this in my wardrobe!

 Echo Dot. We have an Echo in our kitchen, but I would love to have this Echo Dot in my room. It would be awesome to be able to do anything from set alarms and to listen to music in my room.

 Book. This book is the first in my favorite series by my favorite author. I would recommend it 10/10 to anyone!

 Mittens. I looove these mittens, they are so soft and warm, also I love that I can actually do things while I have them on because I  can flip the top part back.

Pom Beanie. This Pom Beanie is so cute and warm, which I love, and it comes in so many colors, 4 to be exact. And it has a pompom on top, which is my favorite part.

 Plaid Dress. This plaid dress is so cute and classic, I love wearing prints like this and your teen daughter will too.

 Bow Hair Tie. I love this pretty velvet hair tie, I would definitely use it to turn an average hairstyle cute and fun.

  Lace Dress. This green lace dress is amazing, you could wear at a holiday party or to a more formal gathering. This will be on my Christmas list.

 Bath Bomb. I personally love bath bombs, they are really fun and smell amazing, but this one takes it to a whole new level. It is really pretty it has rose petals in it which is one of my favorite things if your daughter likes bath bombs like me she’ll love this.

 Lipgloss. I am a big fan of lipgloss to get a little glammed up without going over the top and this one is such a pretty pink color that I want to wear all the time.


Overalls. I own these overalls and I love wearing them, they go really well with a lot of different things and they are super great quality. Whoever you are buying for will love these!

Speaker. I recently found this speaker on Amazon and I’m kind of in love, it’s so cute and I love the natural wood look. It also can hold your phone which is super convenient, in my opinion.

Planner. Now that I’m in high school, I find that it is really important for me to write down where I have to and where and what is due when, etc. and it is so helpful to have a place to keep track of it all. This planner is also really pretty so… :)


Puffer Coat. I also own this gorgeous coat and I absolutely love it! On the inside, it has sherpa lining which is so soft and cozy, the red on the outside has a little shimmer to it which is very pretty and then you have the faux fur hood which is awesome!

Hope this helps you find something fabulous for your girls! -Hannah

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  1. Yvonne wrote:

    Hello! First off Thank you to Hannah for sharing these lovely ideas! I have a 12 year old niece going on 13 and I would love if you can share some of Hannah’s favorite stores to shop at. I’ve been raising her so I still have no clue as to wear to shop for her since the majority of her clothes have been from the Childrens place since she’s so naturally thin yet tall. I’d love some store ideas that are age appropriate. Thank you in advance!

    Posted 11.28.18 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      We’ve already shot a post and it’s coming atcha soon! Rounding up a bunch of Hannah’s favorites!

      Posted 11.29.18 Reply
  2. Patty Veleta wrote:

    I love the sweater you’re wearing in the snow photo!! Where can I get one?

    Posted 12.2.18 Reply