luggage set. On me: Joggers. Similar shoes. Tee. Vest. (also similar here.) backpack.
I am so excited to share this post with you today all about capsule packing for kids! I am a huge proponent of creating capsule wardrobes for your kids, (you will literally spend less time and money) and capsule packing for kids is like that principle on steroids.
Capsule packing is the system I’ve used to pack myself for years. A couple years back I started incorporating the system when packing my kids and it was basically life changing, definitely vacation changing. I also feel like it has helped my kids learn how to dress themselves more intentionally, and it saves us tons of time preparing for trips, and even more importantly it saves us time when we are on the trip. That time is valuable, and I don’t want to waste an extra minute of it worrying about what we’re all wearing each day.
So what is capsule packing and how does it work? It’s funny and almost counter intuitive. You’d think that the more you pack the better prepared you’ll feel and the easier it will be to get dressed, but I’ve found the opposite to be true. They call it the paradox of choice; i.e.. too many choices causes clutter which equals anxiety and frustration.
Tell me you haven’t been there before, a suitcase practically bursting at the seams, over the weight limit, and yet, the entire trip you’re struggling to put an outfit together.
Capsule packing is all about simplified mindful packing.
Picking versatile neutrals that can be mixed and matched and are interchangeable with each other. It’s about considering what your needs are on the trip and choosing your items accordingly. I generally stick with one base color (usually black or navy) and work from there. If I’m going to add in color, I’ll typically add in one color that can work with everything I’ve packed. And it works the same for kids’ suitcases.
So let’s get down to how to actually capsule pack for kids!
The first thing you need to do is consider your trip, what you will need and what you will be doing every single day. Check the weather, and plan for some unexpected changes.
Pick your base neutral to build your outfits off of, and start pulling pieces out from the closet. Each item you pull should be a wardrobe workhorse. Meaning, it should be able to be styling multiple ways.
Do the math. How much you pack depends upon how long you are going for. I like to be prepared with enough outfit ideas for every single day of the trip plus one or two extra days, just in case something happens.
Choose your shoes. Ideally, you would only need one pair if you’ve capsule packed correctly (both my girls only wore one pair of shoes the entire time we were in DC last week and it worked great). I still always bring a back-up pair, just in case.
Plan the outfits with your kids. Show them how the pieces mix and match with each other, and what they will be wearing each day while you are doing each thing. This will not only get them excited for the trip, in younger kids it will help avoid fits while you’re on the trip over what they are wearing, and it will help them to get themselves dressed because they’ll already know what goes together.
Here’s an example of how to do it:
denim jumpsuit. tan jumpsuit. white shirt. black shirt. peach shirt. culottes. seersucker shorts. black shorts. denim jacket. saltwater sandals. sneakers.
Tips for packing your kids:
Don’t be afraid to do a little laundry half way through the trip (especially if it’s a longer trip.) Most hotels offer laundry service, you can have it sent out, or pop into a local laundromat and give your kids a couple hours down time while you wash the clothes really quick.
Test out their shoes before you travel. Make sure they are well broken in, and that they are shoes your kids can actually walk all day in without getting sore feet.
Roll your clothes in your suitcase. It save space and keeps the clothes from getting as wrinkled.
Wear bulkier items and shoes on travel days, it’ll save room and weight in your bags.
If you have any questions about capsule packing for kids, go ahead and ask them in the comments!

These are all awesome and great tips!
Great kid capsule. I’d love to see what you’re packing for the trip also.
Super cute capsule! I’m loving that suitcase too. Such a pretty color. I’ve been online shopping for girls sandals like the ones you include here. They’re perfect for dresses or shorts!