overalls. striped shirt. jacket. red shoes. similar red bag.
If you were a teenager in the 90’s like me then you probably feel similar about the come-back overalls have made over the last few years. When I was in high school my friends and I actually had “overall Friday,” which is exactly what it sounds like, on Friday we all wore overalls. Why we decided to match each other in pants suspended with buckles at the end of every week, I have no idea. But I just remember it sounded like a good one, at the time. I know, guys. I know…
The point is, overalls, are one of those trends that’s never really dead is it, and you’re always kind of secretly (or not so secretly in my case) thrilled when it comes back again because they’re overalls!
So how do you feel about the overall trend? Yes, or no-verall?

Rocking the overalls!