My Outfit: Sweater. Button-up. Jeans. Similar boots. similar pom beanie.
Carter’s outfit: Jacket. Jeans. Adidas shoes.
Ethan’s outfit: Sweatshirt. Shirt. Jeans. Similar boots.
When I was pregnant with Hannah and we found out we were having a girl, everyone kept telling me how lucky I was. “It’s so much more fun to dress little girls.” And I was excited, I was dreaming of dresses and bows. It wasn’t till a year after she was born, when I had Carter (yeah, they’re just over a year apart) that I realized I was lucky either way. Plaid shirts, little mini boots and suspenders, don’t even get me started on bow ties, little boys were just as fun to dress as little girls.
Here’s the thing I didn’t realize at the time. Dressing little boys like that is extremely short-lived. From about 4 years on, they’re more interested in wearing a shirt with their favorite cartoon character, and by the time they’re 10 they’ll be begging to wear athletic shorts to school, you’ll buy them sweaters that they’ll never wear, and they’ll look at you like you’re a crazy person if you even suggest the word suspenders.
My Outfit: Sweater. Button-up. Jeans. Similar boots. similar pom beanie.
Carter’s outfit: Jacket. Jeans. Adidas shoes.
Ethan’s outfit: Sweatshirt. Shirt. Jeans. Similar boots.
I’m sure there are exceptions to this rule, but when it comes to my boys, they wouldn’t be caught dead in half the things I’d LOVE to dress them in. It’s a reality that I’ve come to except, even embrace. Besides, there are plenty of other perks to being a boy mom. I’ve also learned that even though they’re more low-key about their clothes, they do each have their own sense of style. Ethan’s a little more button-down rugged, and Carter prefers a more athletic approach to getting dressed. Once I realized what they like to wear, it was easier to find pieces that I approved of, and that they were excited to wear.
I love Nordstrom’s Tucker and Tate kid’s line because it’s reasonably priced and they’ve got lots of great options in different styles (especially for boys). Which makes it easier to shop for both of my boys at the same time, despite their different style preferences. I picked up this great jacket for Carter, which I thought was super cute and he loved because it matches his favorite sneakers and “looks like a soccer jacket.” Ethan loves to layer (I don’t know where he gets it) so he was a big fan of the button down and inside-out textured sweatshirt. I love that I can find everything we need for the boys’ fall wardrobe in one spot. From shirts and jackets, to jeans and they’re favorite shoe brands, Nordstrom carries everything at reasonable prices, and it all comes with a balloon for Ava. ;-)
*created in partnership with Nordstrom.