J.O.A. Front tie top. White House Black Market Embroidered jeans. Marc Fisher Wedges. Straw Bag. Kate Spade Necklace. Karen Walker Sunglasses.
Okay, first things first, we need to talk about the preview catalog for the Nordstrom Anniversary sale that just came out. Have you guys seen it yet?? Seriously, go look. (Scroll to the bottom of the page to find it.) It looks like plaid is going to be big this fall (yay!), and leather skirts (double yay!), of course there are going to be some fab booties and swoon-worthy flats…I literally can’t wait till it starts in a couple weeks.
Last year, I pulled an all-nighter the night the Nordstrom Anniversary sale started rounding up all the best pieces and it was seriously so fun. I’m thinking this year of doing some live Facebook posts that night on my Facebook page, (are you following me over there yet? We have a lot of fun.) letting you know the minute I find really good stuff, cause last year some of my favorite pieces sold out by the end of the 1st morning. #Annoying. That way you won’t miss anything, and I get to drink a lot of Dr. Pepper. (Win/win) Anyway, if you’re interested in hanging out all night with me, like a crazy shopper, come follow my Facebook page. I promise I’m fun after 1 am. ;-)
Also, you can only shop the Nordstrom Anniversary early access if you have a Nordstrom card. You definitely want to get one of these. I wrote a post about how to sign up and what your options are here. Even if you just use it during the sale and then lock it in a drawer the rest of the year, I swear it’s worth it.
Seeing the sale catalog come out reminded me that it’s almost July, and holy cow, is it just me or did June fly by? Like literally, where did the month go? My kids and I are starting to get into a really good routine with school out. I think this summer is going to be my favorite with them yet. They played outside all day yesterday after they got their morning chores done and I loved listening to all their funny adventures while I worked in the kitchen.
I never knew motherhood would be so fun and hard and rewarding and taxing all in one. Summer totally amplifies that. I’ve been thinking about putting together a post about how I do summer with my kids. Let me know if you are interested in that!
Oh and before I end this random post, let’s talk about these embroidered jeans because they are so legit. They are super comfy and actually work for petites! I’ve been thinking about embroidered jeans for several months now, but trying these on totally decided it for me. I am obsessed. Have you tried the trend yet?

I’m interested in a summer with kids post! Also something I’m curious about is your morning routine. Do you go on runs every morning? How do you make that work when your kids are little (before they’re in school?) basically I need you to give me all the life advice lol :-)
I will get right on this! XOXO