pink front tie shirt. similar jeans. nude sandals. straw bag. sunglasses. necklace.
Hey ladies! HAPPY FRIDAY!
I’ve got this fun pink front tie shirt look for you today, and a few updates on our life right now.
First of all, I don’t even know if I’ve mentioned this at all this week, but we got a puppy last Friday! We just moved onto a farm a few months ago, got a bunch of chickens, and thought it was time to add a good hearty farm dog to our family. So naturally, we fell in love with a toy poodle that weighs approx. 1 pound. (Not exaggerating.) But seriously though, he is the cutest, sweetest little dog ever. We named him Ollie, and he basically spends all day trotting around behind us cracking us up, and all night keeping me up. Crate training is no joke! I feel like I have a newborn.
Okay, but I do need some advice from you fellow dog owners. How on earth do you get your dog not to smell SO MUCH like a dog? I’ve already bathed Ollie twice, and we wipe him down with these puppy wipes and comb out his fur everyday, but he still has a real dog smell, if you know what I mean. How does such a tiny dog have such a big smell?! Is this just just part of the territory now, or is there actually something I can do about it? We’re taking him to be groomed, but he can’t go in until he’s a little older.
Speaking of puppies, my kids are obsessed with Ollie. I’m sure the novelty will wear off a bit over time, but the deal was, if we got a dog, he would be their responsibility, and they’ve been doing such a great job taking care of him. It’s been so fun to watch.
Everyone’s home for the summer now, and I successfully got through the first week, which is usually the worst. Everyone is off because the routine just totally changed. And when everyone is off, it usually means I get to play referee nonstop all day, everyday while they bicker back and forth with each other. Luckily, that only lasted about 2 and a half days, and by yesterday afternoon, they were all sitting on the couch in the afternoon reading books aloud to each other that we’d picked up at the Library earlier in the day. It’s going to be such a nice summer, and I’m so happy to have the kids home with me.
Have you noticed what a huge trend front tie shirts are this summer? I saw one a couple months ago and now I’m seeing them everywhere. (And I have to admit, I’ve bought 3 so far. Don’t judge.) They are just such a cute style for summer, and I love the crisp cotton that they come in. Perfectly lightweight, and fresh. I fell in love with this pink one the second I locked eyes on it, and it’s even cuter in person than I thought it would be. I love that it matches my favorite pink summer lipstick. (Snob by MAC). It’s the perfect top for a casual weekend, or a day around town, and I love that I can pair it with a bunch of different options. (I’m wearing an XSP)
So what do you think? Are you on board with the front tie shirt trend?
I found a whole bunch of cute ones below, in case you’re like me, and buy three of something when you like it. ;-)

Congrats on the puppy!! So cute and I’m sure the kids are obsessed! I love you pink tie front shirt! I need one haha!
thank you! We’re all having a lot of fun with him!