3 ways to wear overalls.

top. similar overalls. sunglasses. loafers.

I posted this overalls outfit over on my instagram the other day and I got tons of messages from ladies saying that they loved overalls, but didn’t know how to wear them and still feel like a grown-up.  And like, I get it, because I’m 4’11” so wearing anything at all “precious” makes me feel like a total child, and who wants that in their 30’s?#amiright?  But I also love overalls, and I’ve found a several ways to wear them that make me feel fun and chic and anything but childlike.  I thought I would share 3 easy ways to wear overalls on the blog today, so if you’ve been on the fence about the trend it might inspire you to jump right in…

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outfit 1: overalls. trench. white button up. loafers.

outfit 2: overalls. striped shirt. chuck taylors. soludos.

outfit 3: overalls. white eyelet top. brixton hat. wedges.

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More great overalls:

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  1. Katie P wrote:

    Have you done any hair tutorials? PS love this look!

    Posted 5.11.17 Reply
  2. Mackenzie wrote:

    I love this look! I have been trying to find the right pair of overalls all year, and I am having the hardest time. I love the ones you linked though!


    Posted 5.11.17 Reply