Dress. Sweater. Loafers. Bag. Sunglasses.
Hey everyone, well, wasn’t that a lovely weekend? We had a rainy Saturday that led to a GORGEOUS Sunday and I am just feeling like my well is all filled up.
I’m actually pumped that it’s Monday.
I’ve got tons of stuff to get done today, errands to run, but here are a few random Monday thoughts, before I get on them.
-In my church we have this thing called General Conference. It happens twice a year on Saturday and Sunday, and we basically stay in all weekend and listen to inspired messages from our leaders broadcast out of Salt Lake City, Utah. (They are my two favorite weekends every year.) It’s broadcast out of Utah at 10 and 2 MDT. I have felt bad for people on the East coast for years because it starts so much later for them, you know, “those poor people on the East coast don’t get done until 6pm…” But now that we live on the East coast I made a surprising discovery last weekend. I love having conference start later! It was awesome! We slept in on Saturday, got some things done and then had a day full of uplifting messages. Yesterday I slept in again, made brunch and then again, spiritually uplifting day. I am all about GC starting at noon. Seriously, my mind is still blown.
-We have been redoing our family room for the last couple weeks. And the first order of business was to pull out the ugly wood paneling around our fireplace. When we did we discovered the jankiest framing job known to man and also insulation that had basically disintegrated into powder over the last however many years. Luckily my husband is a smarty pants engineer so he rebuilt the whole thing all while reassuring me that the “vertical load” should be just fine. I’m glad that my closet (which sits right above) will not in fact collapse into the family room now.
-Thank you to all the people from New England who have warned me about the ticks. While it initially freaked me out a bit, we had our first experience with it yesterday after a walk in our woods and I’m glad that we knew to check. Although Hannah is a little freaked out now, poor thing.
-My husband thinks these sunglasses are huge and funny, but I love them. They remind me of my mom when I was a kid (the 80’s and 90’s knew how to do sunglasses) and Audrey Hepburn. In short, they make me feel glamorous on a Tuesday when I’m heading to Costco.
-I feel like my 5th grade self (the one who wore penny loafers and a beret to school) would be really proud that I bought these loafer mules. This is the second pair of them I’ve bought so I think that means I’m sold on the trend.
-I love listening to podcasts while I workout, do dishes, drive, fold laundry, etc etc. Thinking about sharing all my favorites with you. Is that something you’re interested in?
-I love crockpot meals, they make dinner so much easier. It’s not that I hate cooking either. It’s just that the meal falls at a really bad time when everything is the most hectic. I love getting it taken care of early on in the day. But. I need some more healthy crockpot recipes. Anyone have any good ones?

I love podcasts while I’m on the treadmill! Have you found the modern love one yet? If not check it out!
Ticks are a huge ordeal! I have chronic Lyme disease, so I know a thing or two about them. Always, ALWAYS check yourself after coming indoors. Especially places like armpits and the back of knees. Lyme disease is a huge pain in the butt; if you ever fear that you are showing any warning signs, immediately go to a doctor! Sorry for ranting haha.
This outfit? Perfection!
My Best friend (a New Englander) has Lyme’s disease and it truly is awful. Not to freak you out or anything, but definity cover up, pull your hair back, wear hats, and spray yourselves every time you venture outside. There area ton of natural tick repellents, too. I live in Ohio and ticks are awful here, as well.
As far as crockpot recipes, this one is my #1 go-to. I will cook ground turkey and keep it on the side as an addition of I’m serving any vegetarians. Otherwise, after it’s cooked, I throw it into the chili for the last 30 mi utes or so. It’s delicious!
Oops! Here’s the recipe:
2 things 1) I’m always on the hunt for new podcasts so would love to hear about the ones you love! 2) I’m not Mormon but curious how the GC works. Do you have to tune into a special channel? How does it broadcast? How long is it? Is it just preaching or goal setting? Who talks? Thanks! (If I’m being too nosy just ignore me)
PS I live in New England and ticks FREAK me out so bad. Found one on my dog (and I live in the city!) and it was the grossest thing ever.
Hi Dee, yes I will share!
Not too nosy at all! General Conference used to come on the TV (on the West Coast at least way back in the day) but now with the internet, they broadcast it on LDS.org. And it’s available to watch after on the website too. Each session is 2 hours and there are 4 sessions total. (It sounds intense, but it’s actually very nice) Some of our church leaders speak (our prophet and apostles, and the women leaders). It’s kind of like getting to sit and listen to a loving grandparent full of wisdom share good advice and preaching about Jesus and ways to live a better more Christlike life.
And ticks, ug. They are so gross. It’s kind of freaking me out a little… pass all the bug spray.
Thanks! Sounds intense but probably very good for thought and for the soul!
Yes, share the podcasts!
So sorry about your little and the tick situation. It is SO much better to be fanatical than sorry. I was all like, “I lived in the country my whole life and never got Lyme. Played in the woods, ran trails…It’s not even a big deal. That’s what they say.” Yeah, um, times have changed and it IS a big deal. As I still sit here in my incontinence pad from my episode two years ago and my swollen old lady ankles from last year’s…Just sayin…
I’ll also mention that you only tend to see the big ones. The young ones…well…http://www.lymeactionnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/dime.png
Chickens are a great thing to have! They eat them!
Love the dress, don’t see it listed where it is from?
it’s from shein.com here’s the link: http://bit.ly/2nDtFjb
Please share your fave podcasts!!!
Please share the podcasts! I love the ted radio hour!
Yes please share your fave podcasts. I recently started listening and am obsessed!
I recently ordered a few things from She In based on things you’ve posted. Can you do a post on how you select things on there and if you have any horror stories on things you’ve bought there? I bought things in the past from CupShe and they were HORRIBLE. The first thing I got from She In was fine. Thanks!
I’ve had a few pieces I just don’t love from there, mostly because of fit. The prices are super low, so the quality isn’t the cream of the crop but that’s what I kind of expect. But most of the stuff I’ve gotten I actually really like. I always read the reviews, that usually really helps me figure out size, quality, etc.