Coat. Top. Jeans. Shoes. (c/o Payless.) Bag. Necklace. Sunglasses. Circle ring.
Last night I was dancing in the car with my sisters, my mom, and Hannah, windows rolled down, heater blasting singing old Abba songs at the top of our lungs while driving through a snow storm to drop treats on people’s doorsteps.
It was just as fun as it sounds. More, even.
This morning I’m sitting in car packed to the absolute brim, driving the long 13 hours back to Seattle. Back to reality.
It’s a real buzzkill.
We all love the holiday season, but let’s be real, after Christmas can be a real downer. And trust me, I know. My birthday is this Friday and even that rarely lifts me out of the post-holiday funk.
I thought today would be a good day to share my four tips to avoiding the after-holiday blues.
1-Clean up. Take Christmas down, unpack if you’ve been traveling, do all your holiday laundry, dejunk a room, get your house shining. I know it feels like a bummer at first, but getting your space back to it’s normal state, feels like a nice clean slate to start the year on.
2-Start your New Years Fitness routine. Not because it’s a resolution (although that’s a good reason), but exercise is a great help to a grumpy mood. And feeling like you’re already accomplishing a goal will be invigorating.
3- Get back into your regular clothes. During the holiday’s I feel like I’m either in super dressy clothes or jammies. There’s no in between. Which is fun… for awhile. But after a bit I’m so ready for my regular clothes again. A pair of jeans, a simple shirt, some great booties; clothes I can do regular life in is what I am all about. I’m ready to get back into my routine, and I want my clothes fuss free and ready for anything. I love a low-heeled pair of booties because they’re great for everyday, but they still look classy and put together. Payless has a bunch of great everyday boot options right now at killer sale prices.
4- Give yourself something to look forward to. I think the biggest bummer about the end of the holiday season is that it feels like there’s no longer anything to look forward to. So, give yourself something. Make plans. They don’t have to be big ones. Sometimes it’s just heading to the art museum on free first Thursday for an afternoon, or planning a fun date night for me and my husband. You could even plan a little weekend getaway for the end of the month. Giving myself something to look forward to a few weeks out makes it easier for me to beat the post-holiday funk.
So there you have it! My 4 tips for beating the post-holiday blues. How to you keep yourself from getting bummed out after Christmas?
*this post was created in partnership with Payless.

I love tip #4! I had an adventurous and fun-filled holiday spent with family and friends and am already starting to plan out weekend trips and vacations for 2017 to keep that good energy going!
Thank you for this post. I suffer the post-holiday blues every year and this year seems worse than most. It’s helpful to know that I’m not alone.
Totally agree with all of these…especially #4. After the holidays we all slide back into our routine which can sometimes be monotonous and lonely, especially if you’ve spend the holidays surrounded by lots of friends and family. Looking forward to something is so important. Make dates…with your spouse, kids, friends. Keep the togetherness of the holidays alive by inviting friends over…even if it’s just coffee and a chat! And happy early birthday!
The after holiday blues definitely is real and I am starting to feel it! These are great tips! I already started #1 and I feel great!
This is such useful advice! I love how it’s simple, obtainable, to the point, just perfectly good. .. thanks for sharing!!
Numbers one and four are so true for me! I actually kind of loved taking my Christmas stuff down this year. Normally I am a little sad, but it was so nice to have my apartment back to normal, and to be able to unpack any decor gifts that we got for the holidays and find them homes (available space was taken up by the Christmas decor).
Planning a trip, or something to look forward to if you are able is a great suggestion too! I think its so important to always have something on the horizon to look forward to. It makes the down time in between so much more bearable.
Also you’ve inspired me to actually start unpacking from all my trips tonight. I got married in September, and literally have not unpacked from that yet. I might actually be the worst.