I cannot tell you how excited I am to share this post with you today. First of all because it involved a fun photoshoot with my favorite 12 year-old. And second, because she helped me hand pick every item in this gift guide, and I don’t mean to brag but my girl has got great taste.
You know, when Hannah first started making her way out of childhood and into adolescence I sort of went through a little grieving period. I didn’t want to let go of Hannah as a little girl. She was sweet and tiny; she talked like a little adult and loved to read. Now I realize how crazy that was, because I love Hannah as a tween. The older my kids get the more I get to discover who they are as people, and I love the person Hannah is.
So, today’s gift guide is all about the tween girl, and my own little tween helped me put it together. So if you’ve got a daughter, niece, or family friend that’s around her age, read on… there’s some seriously cute stuff in this one!
{all images are clickable}

How sweet! Thanks Hannah! Some of these picks gave me some inspiration for a very hard to please tween boy:)
Oh yay! I’m so glad!