i’m blue.

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Top: JCrew. Jeans: Nordstrom. (on sale) Jacket: Nordstrom (kids on sale. similar here) Shoes: Nordstrom. Bag: Michael Kors.(similar) Sunglasses: Kate Spade.

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Don’t you just love August?  All the back-to-school stuff is popping up in stores and I can feel that fall is right around the corner.  This has always been my favorite time of year, I think the first day of school was my favorite day of the year when I was a kid.  (I know, nerd)  But really who doesn’t love a fresh start?

Fall puts me in the mood for plaid bad.  By October it’s kind of a problem… Like, hand me all the plaid tops, and scarves please and thank you, kind of problem.  I was so excited when I found this pretty light weight popover blue plaid shirt the other day, because it’ll transition so nice from the warmer summer months right into fall and layers!  I can’t wait to layer it under my sweaters.  Also, I really love that it’s a monochramatic plaid.  Lots of different shades of blue, sign me up for that.  I’m kind of a blue freak if you haven’t noticed.

Speaking of blue, guys, I found my navy faux leather moto jacket I wanted!  But, shhhhhh, I found it in the kids section of the Nordstrom Anniversary sale.  Hey, there have to be some benefits of being under 5 feet right? Especially since most of my 12 year olds friends are now taller than me.  Anyway, I don’t shop in kids for myself very often, but when I find an adorable moto jacket with a detachable shearling color and it it’s under $50, I go for it. ;-)

Just a little reminder, that there are only five days left to shop the Nordstrom Anniversary sale.  There are still a lot of great pieces in stock, so make sure you head over there before the prices go up!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

i'm blue 8

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  1. JennyBee wrote:

    I LOVE the jacket!! What size did you buy…12 or 14? Thanks!

    Posted 8.3.16 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      I bought a size 10/12 and I love the fit. My sisters were shocked when I told them it was a kid’s jacket. haha!

      Posted 8.5.16 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      I bought the 10-12. The 14 was a little to baggy. I’m 4’11” for reference! Love the fit!

      Posted 8.10.16 Reply