Shirt: J.Crew Factory. Jeans: Nordstrom. Bag: Michael Kors. Sunglasses: Kate Spade. Necklace: similar here.
I bought this shirt two years ago and it’s been a favorite ever since. Every time I wear it people ask where I got it, and I’m so sad to tell them it long ago sold out, except right now, it’s back in stock! I just thought I’d pass that along, because if you buy one shirt this summer, this should be it. Also, I feel like it should be noted that this is my go-to momiform this time of year. Jeans (skinny or boyfriend), a great short-sleeved top, and pretty flats.
So here’s the skinny. I usually wake up on Mondays with the world’s worst anxiety, (don’t ask me why, I don’t know) and it’s not just a case of the Monday blues, it’s so much worse than that. Anyway, when I woke up this morning, nothing. Just happy, excited, ready to face a great week. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with being showered with love for Mother’s day yesterday, and also getting a guilt-free two hour nap?? It’s made me stop and think about being more intentional with my time and my life basically.
Yesterday completely filled up my well. I don’t feel guilty on Mother’s day. I don’t think I’m a perfect mom and there is so much I want to do better, but I don’t fee guilty. I feel grateful. And when my family wants to treat me like a queen for a day, I let them, because I love naps and I like getting presents (who doesn’t) and I love watching them serve someone with love. Even if that someone is me. And intentionally resting and spending quality time with the people I love most, having a long conversation with my mom, reading a little, really reset me for the new week. I often wake up Monday morning and feel like I’m already behind. I’m not actually behind at all, I just feel like I am.
But today, I feel happy, rested and like I am enough.
I hope you have the same feelings. That’s what I remember on Mother’s day every year. When I stop and look at how well I’m doing with my kids even though most days I have at least one major #momfail I realize that my less-than-perfect effort is enough. And I think that’s the whole point of all of this. Everything that God wants us to learn here. Do your best, and He’ll make it enough.
Happy Monday everyone!
PS. Ann Taylor is having a huge sale on their sale items through today. An extra 60% off online only. There are some gorgeous pieces that are normally over $100 and you can pick them up for around $30. Lots of sizes still available. xo

Love your thoughts about Mother’s Day. I feel the same. Glad you had a happy Monday. :)