Shirt: J.Crew Factory. (old. pretty sequin top here.) Plaid Shirt: J.Crew factory. (old. almost identical here.) Coat: J.Crew Factory. (similar here.) Skirt: J.Crew Factory. (similar here and here.) Bag: H&M. (similar here and here.) Necklace: Target. Shoes: Nordstrom. (similar.) Sunglasses: Kate Spade. (similar.)
This month we are focusing on ideas for making January awesome instead of what it usually is, the most depressing month of the year…
About half way through a season I start to feel kind of blah about my clothes. Uninspired by what’s been in my rotation for the past couple months and out of creativity. I like to have fun getting dressed and I like the way I feel when getting dressed is fun, so when this happens I have a little trick. I go to the back recesses of my closet, find a beloved piece that I’ve kind of forgotten about, and pull it out. It’s like it’s new again. Often times, I’ll even pull on former inspiration and pair it similarly (or the same) as I have before.
January Idea: make something old, new again.
I’ve loved this sequin top since I ordered it from J.Crew Factory several years ago, even though at the time wearing sequins felt like such a stretch for me, sartorially speaking. Then one day I got the “crazy” idea to pair it with a favorite plaid shirt, and I loved it. Man, I was really proud of that one… (I know, I know, such a huge accomplishment ;-) But on Sunday morning, when I woke up late without a plan for church, I just pulled out an old pairing idea and guess what, I still love it.
Plus the little kids I teach in Primary Sunday school got a real kick out of my “sparkly” shirt. and I’m like 90% sure it made them listen better. (They were mezmerized by the sequins)
Also, yes. It was snowing little baby flakes on the way to church. Good job Seattle, it didn’t stick, but you were trying.
in the mood for sequins?

Beautiful look<3
Shall We Sasa
Love your nude heels!!
Kisses from ❤
Love this mix of colors, especially your beautiful skirt. Camel coat is always a good choice. I’m Eni, blogger from Italy. Have a nice day, kisses,
Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook
Wow such a great outfit. You look lovely. Gemma xx
I love this outfit! You always look amazing!
Unique Geek
So very pretty! I love sparkle in the winter!