I’m so excited to share today’s gift guide with you, because I had such a ball creating it with my four munchkins.
All these toys were approved by my own awesome kids and I promise you won’t want to throw them away 5 minutes after Christmas is over. (Hashtag: nomoretackykidtoys)
All images are clickable!
little ones:
older kids:
Now that 3 out of 4 of my kids are getting into the “older kid” range, toy buying can get a little tricky. Especially for Hannah, who doesn’t just want clothes and nail polish, but she’s not really into “toy” toys anymore. She loves reading and she’s really into crafting and creating. She still likes building legos (yes girls like them too) so I picked out a few fun things for her in her age realm.
For the boys, who are still very much into legos but are also interested in some older toys too, I picked out a new Lego Millennium Falcon, but also a hover soccer ball (they’re really excited about that), a snowball launcher, a solar robot kit, a super hero art book, and of course a Lego StarWars alarm clock.
For my littlest monkey, picking out toys was the easiest (and most fun). She loves pretending right now (especially with food!) so a mini-grocery cart, mini wooden grill, that sushi set (I die!), a balance bike, a plush whale (striped of course), and the cutest kids book I’ve read in awhile.
Hope this helps you pick out something you and your little ones will love!
Happy Friday!