Do you ever deal with frizzy hair? You’re going to want to read this.
The most traumatic part of adolescence for me was my hair. Not the fact that I was a late bloomer, or had chubby cheeks, or looked like I was 8 when I was 13, or my chipmunk teeth. It was my hair. As a child I had soft silky brown hair, and then about a month or two after puberty really got into the swing of things, I woke up one day and I suddenly had course, curly, frizzy hair. And I had literally no idea what to do with it. Thus began the decades long battle to keep my mane under control.
Rain is death for frizzy hair, especially that misty Seattle rain that renders all umbrellas virtually useless. The worst is getting rained on and then going and sitting in a warm room, I can literally feel my hair just growing bigger and bigger frizzing around my head. Not pretty.
I love the fall but the weather does a real number on my hair and I’ve had a bad hair day for the last two months straight. I know it’s shallow, but I hate bad hair days. Anyway, blame it on busy, but it’s been a good 7 months since I had a keratin treatment and I can really tell.
Case in point, see below:
my hair after literally a sprinkle of rain. sad.
I thought this was an ideal time to try out Living Proof’s frizz system, because this is my honest-to-goodness humidity hating frizzy hair, and it’s been raining and misting a whole lot lately. Lots of opportunities to put their (rather bold) claims to the test.
I used their product selector tool which was awesome, because they basically ask you all about your hair, it’s woes, textures, etc and then suggest the right products for you to get your best hair.
They suggested these frizz products as well as the Perfect Hair Day Night Cap, so I ordered and couldn’t wait to get started.
My first impression when they arrived was that I loved the package design. I know it’s a little silly, but the bottles are so very pretty and I don’t mind having them in my bathroom because they aren’t an eye-sore. Also, the products smell amazing…
Anyway, I started using the products, and I definitely noticed a difference even from the first use. My hair felt lighter, but softer. A lot of frizz products use silicone to basically coat your hair and keep it from getting frizzy. Trouble is, that can also mean it turns super greasy, and it’s always heavy.
Because Living Proof uses a patented OFPMA molecule to coat each strand of hair without weighing it down, you get even more frizz control than with other products and non of the grease. Guys I watched all the videos on this stuff and I was skeptical. My hair felt so light and soft and I loved that, but I felt like without that heavy oily feeling as soon as I got in the rain, my hair would be a goner.
So last Sunday, (about 3 days into using Living Proof products) like a dummy I left for church with no coat and no umbrella (I blame lateness) and of course it started pouring right as we pulled into the parking lot. I tried to run inside, but you know #4inchstilettos by the time I got in the doors, and met with that rush of warm heater air, my hair was already wet. Which in every other case would mean hair disaster. But you guys, my hair did not get frizzy. Like not even wavy, slightly frizzy. It looked just like it did when I finished styling it. Smooth and straight. My hair has been rained on several times since I started using these products and every time it holds up like a dream. I. AM. HOOKED.
It had been rained on in both of these pictures:
I’m loving all the products, but I think my very favorite so far is the humidity shield finishing spray. It’s like super light hair spray that blocks frizz like a ninja.
I honestly thought that these products would make a little difference, that I’d see a small improvement, but that I would still need more drastic measures to control my frizzy hair (like a keratin treatment), but if the last week is any indication, I don’t know if I’ll ever need another keratin treatment again.
And I plan on having a Perfect Hair Day, every day.
I’d like my mom to try out their full-hair line, on her silky straight but very fine hair, because if the frizz system is any indication…
If you plan on trying out Living Proof, I would definitely recommend using the Product Selector Tool to help you select just the right products to help you get your best hair.
*created in partnership with Living Proof.

Love your hair, babe<3
Shall We Sasa
Wow! I didn’t have as good results but I didn’t use “all the products” just the shampoo/conditioner. Maybe I’ll give it another go. I really wanted it to be great since it’s Jen Ann’s line.
I am obsessed with Davines Oi Beautifying line (and the Milk oil). I too used to have frizzy, unmanageable, “in major need of a Brazilian blowout” hair but it’s been two years since I’ve done one using the Davines line. (It still gets a little frizzy on really humid days…I’m in KY where it rains almost as much as Seattle!).
Love your blog….and your hair!
oh my goodnesssss. I have the FRIZZIEST hair when the weather gets dry and cold. I’ve heard about Living Proof before but I think you’ve convinced me I NEED THEM. Sparing a whole new expensive full set all at once, what are the most important products I can get to transition my hair-drobe? Please answer, I want frizz-free hair!
XO Sahra
Que Sera Sahra
I would say the shampoo and conditioner and the finishing spray. I think you can get them in smaller sizes so it’s a smaller investment up front. Hope this helps!
I know this doesn’t pertain as much to this post but I know you’ve said in the past you use Suave dry shampoo.. have you had any issues with it being heavy or leaving your hair grayish? I’m still trying to find the perfect dry shampoo! :)
I’ve used the suave keratin dry shampoo and really like it. I did kind of have to learn just how much to put in kind of tweak how I spray it to get it just right. i also use my blow dryer after I put it in to kind of work it through my hair and also give my hair a nice refresh. hope this helps!
Your hair is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your new favorite hair products! I can’t wait to try them out! Bye, bye frizzy Seattle hair!
Thank you, thank you!