Flared Jeans: Banana Republic (petite. they run long. similar here and here.) Shirt: Gap. Sweater: Target. (Similar here and here.) Bag: Target. (similar here.) Boots: Nordstrom. Sunglasses: Kate Spade.
Once upon a time (around middle school) bell bottoms came back in style, and I carefully saved my babysitting money to buy myself a pair. My parents couldn’t understand why I would want to do this, they’d lived through the 70’s and weren’t interested in reliving them, but I really wanted a pair of flared jeans. Once I finally found some that fit me (I was even shorter – if you can believe it- back then, so this was a real feat) I was in love.
Those were marvelous pants. I wore them as much as possible while still being socially acceptable. (Okay, probably more than socially acceptable) But I loved those flared jeans so much, and wore them into the ground.
It’s funny how fashion silhouettes recycle themselves isn’t it? There was a time when we were all bagging on those peg-leg jeans from the early 90’s and then low and behold, skinny jeans come into style, and well the rest is history. The point is, denim styles go in and out of fashion, and they seem to go through that cycle even faster than they used to, so buying a good pair of jeans that fit you right is always a good idea no matter the silhouette, because chances are, if they go out of style, they’ll be back in, in just a few years time and then you’re good pair of denim will be hanging in the closet waiting for you.
This season’s it’s all about the flared denim. And while I’m not overly found of seventies inspired trends (just not my toast and jam) I kind of love this style of jean. Partially because it takes me back to those first pair of bell-bottoms, and partially because it makes me look about six inches taller. And at my height, that’s a very good thing.
A few tips for buying flares especially if they are too long:
1. Don’t be afraid to hem/have them hemmed. It’s a very inexpensive alteration (usually around $10) but pretty please wait and wash them at least 3-4 times before you do so. Just trust me, you don’t want that kind of sad shrinkage in your life.
2. If the denim is too long, no fear, but do pay attention to where they knee break hits. If it’s too low on your leg hemming won’t do much good. Try to find a pair in petites, the knee break will be more spot-on.
3. If you want to wear them before washing, (because honestly we all love wearing our clothes when they are never-washed, brand spankin’ new) try just tucking them under to where you need them cropped, pressing a nice sharp edge with your iron, and using fashion tape to hold them in place. Works like a charm.
All the best flared denim currently on the market, no matter your price range below:
Flared denim:
Under $60
Under $80
Under $100
Under $200
shop the look:

Must have these flares<3
Shall We Sasa
That is a fabulous cardigan! Can you tell us what brand it is? I’ll have to check out the store; I’ve noticed lately that the new stuff I pick up at Target won’t be online for another month or so (even their “house brand” items). Not sure what’s up with that.
It’s Merona!
Thank you!! I was able to find it online today…it must have just popped up because it definitely wasn’t there the other day. Ordering now! :)