Shirtdress: Gap. Blouse: Old Navy. (similar.) Shoes: ASOS. (similar.) Clutch: ASOS. (similar.) Sunglasses: Kate Spade.
My life is funny right now. Or rather, I have a toddler and she’s really funny right now. I tell you, Ava is such a caboose. She gets doted on all day long by me, and her siblings and her dad… you’d think it would turn her a little rotten, but she’s such a spunky little monkey, and probably my most easiest to parent toddler yet. She just wants to be one of the big kids. She’s been potty trained for a few months now, and now she’s taken to having her baby doll go potty. It’s rather funny. So that’s how she spent her evening last night. Back and forth between the family room and bathroom, “helping” baby go potty, wiping her bum and saying, “good job Baby!” The. Cutest. I really love being a mom.
Anyway, I don’t have a transition, so let’s talk shirtdresses.
See how I did that there?
If there’s one thing I love it’s a good shirtdress. I remember several years ago all I wanted was a great shirtdress and nobody made them and now they’re everywhere. Yay for me… and everyone else out there who loves shirtdresses.
One of the benefits of being, ahem, short is I can buy a dress intended to be a mini skirt and it just about hits me at the knee. This one has a rather wide hem, which could be taken down a bit, should you need more length accommodation, but for me, it pretty much works. Like I said, one of the few benefits of being short. The back pleating on this number really sold me, I love good details like that, and I just love it’s pretty but casual vibe. Anyway, I included a bunch of pretty shirtdresses below, in case you’re so inclined.
Have a lovely Wednesday!
shop the look:
more great shirtdress:

Beautiful color indeed! Love your dress:P
Shall We Sasa
thank you! xo
Love the whole outfit, the color is amazing and you are so beautiful!
I would love you to visit my site and have a look on my last outfit :)
Beautiful look!
Love the pastel colors.
me too! I’ve got such a weakness for pastels… le sigh.